DeSantis and Trump never saw this 2024 bombshell coming

Ron DeSantis

Trump, DeSantis, and Biden are the obvious frontrunners for President. But the race has been thrown for a loop.

Because a major announcement has completely flipped the 2024 election upside down.

In the eyes of man, the 2024 Presidential election is likely a three man race between Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, and the incumbent Joe Biden.

So all three of those men are trying to angle for every single edge they can get over one another, especially right now as Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis are in a metaphorical staredown to get that coveted Republican nomination.

In the eyes of Donald Trump, he thinks that everyone in the Republican circle should be behind him since he has unfinished business with Joe Biden after not getting a second term for reasons that he believes are unfair.

He’s somewhat of a known quantity for many voters as well, which is why he is seemingly in the lead of the Republican race for the nomination.

Ron DeSantis, though, is just getting his political career underway. He has had major successes in Florida that he believes can be brought to the national stage, and that’s why he’s become the obvious runner-up so far.

The battle between the two can be bitter at times, though it shouldn’t be lost on the voters that there’s obviously two solid candidates to choose from.

But for one top Republican, there’s one candidate that’s better than the other and deserving of a full-on endorsement.

Republican from Iowa, Cody Hoefert, who was the co-chairman of the Republican Party in Iowa for seven years announced after the first Republican debate that he would be endorsing candidate Ron DeSantis for President.

“He talked about leadership. He talked about what he’s going to do to deliver and fix the problems that our nation faces. And I sat there with my wife and kids watching that debate and made up my mind that night that I was going to come out and endorse Ron DeSantis for president of the United States,” Hoefert said of DeSantis.

This is a big get for Ron DeSantis as Iowa is shaping up to be a very winnable early state for both Trump and DeSantis when the time comes for Iowans to make their nomination pick.

Polls are notoriously unreliable, so we will simply have to wait and see who ends up winning in Iowa. For example, one poll from J.L. Partners tried to suggest that Pence would end up winning Iowa. Most polls, though, have DeSantis and Trump in a dead heat race with each other in that state.

Securing any big name endorsements like from Cody Hoefert, a former Republican leader in the state, is important for both candidates.

It is possible that Hoefert’s not endorsing Donald Trump had something to do with the fact that Trump attacked the Republican Governor of Iowa, Kim Reynolds, earlier this year.

Trump and Reynolds got into a small political tuffle with each other, and Hoefer came to Reynolds defense at the time highlighting Reynolds’s success in the state as Governor.

“Republican voters in Iowa understand the positive things, conservative-wise, that Gov. Reynolds has done since she was first elected. And so she has a high popularity rating, a high favorability rating among Iowa Republicans specifically,” Hoefer said of Governor Reynolds.

The endorsement from Hoefert is one that DeSantis hopes will help him in his bid for President by winning an early primary race state, and some political experts say that just might happen.

A top Iowa Republican political expert, David Kochel, called said of Hoefert that he is “well known among activists” and said that Hoefert is “very-well liked.”

Kochel said it was a “good endorsement and comes at a time when DeSantis is trying to show strength and movement.” He also called it “timely and helpful.”

As it stands, Donald Trump is still the leader of the Republican pack. But no matter how you cut it, both Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump would be quality candidates for conservatives to get behind in a bid against Joe Biden come November 2024.

If only we could stop the infighting, yeah?

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal for 2024 election updates.

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