Donald Trump blindsided by Republican primary election loss

Former President Trump’s campaign is booming. But he’s been given terrible news.

As Donald Trump was just blindsided by a surprising Republican primary election loss.

So far, Donald Trump has been enjoying a campaign that is swimming along as survey after survey demonstrates that he is well ahead of incumbent Joe Biden nationally and in most of the battleground states that he didn’t secure back in 2020.

The 2020 election was so razor close, that any shift in Donald Trump’s favor would mean he is in good shape to win the 2024 election this time around. With how much it’s been shifting in his favor, all the political pollsters are saying that there’s little doubt Trump would win the election if it were held today. When Minnesota’s polls are saying Trump is ahead, you know the Democrats are in trouble.

That being said, it hasn’t all been sunshine and rainbows for Trump and company, of course. He’s been dealing with those nagging legal battles that are draining time and resources. Not only that, but there’s still plenty of RINO “Never Trumpers” who will do anything to counter Trump’s agenda.

Current U.S. Senator Mitt Romney from Utah is one such Republican. The good news is that he is on his way out. He’s one of the worst RINOs in all of Congress, so that’s no small matter. The bad news is that he may be replaced by another RINO-like politician in John Curtis.

Rep. John Curtis Triumphs in Utah Republican Senate Primary

Rep. John Curtis emerged victorious in the Utah Republican Senate primary on Tuesday, defeating Trump-endorsed Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs and former Utah House Speaker Brad Wilson. This victory, projected by the Associated Press, positions Curtis as the frontrunner to succeed retiring Sen. Mitt Romney.

Curtis, who has represented Utah in Congress since 2017, secured his win over Staggs and Wilson despite strong competition. His victory comes after a campaign where Curtis was widely favored in many polls. Curtis’ political journey includes a brief stint as a Democrat in 2000, when he ran unsuccessfully against Republican candidate Curt Bramble for the state Senate. He returned to the Republican Party in 2007 and has remained a GOP member ever since.

Despite trailing Curtis in the polls, Staggs received significant endorsements from prominent Republicans, including former President Donald Trump, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, and former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Trump, in a video endorsement, lauded Staggs as “MAGA all the way” and emphasized his “America First” stance.

Staggs also garnered support from the Utah Republican Party, securing the most votes at the state convention shortly after receiving Trump’s endorsement, as reported by Politico. However, this backing was not enough to close the gap with Curtis.

Polling data ahead of the primary showed Curtis with a substantial lead. A Noble Predictive Insights poll from June indicated Curtis was ahead of Staggs by 20 points. Additionally, a June HarrisX poll showed Curtis leading Wilson by 23 points.

John Curtis was a registered Democrat between the years 2000 and 2006, and then he switched his affiliation to Republican in 2006 once again as he was a member of the Party before he became a Democrat in the year 2000.

Curtis was a big supporter of Nikki Haley when she was still running her campaign for U.S. president in the Republican Primary before she was eventually forced to suspend it. Clearly, his alliances are more with the RINO-wing of the Republican Party that has plagued the conservative movement in recent years.

There’s a name-recognition factor in play here, no doubt. Trent Staggs is a smaller name without nearly as much time in politics as compared to John Curtis. Trent Staggs has been serving as the Mayor of Riverton, Utah since 2018 as a Republican.

Even though Staggs had a long list of endorsements, it was not enough to push him over the edge. Mr. Staggs had endorsements from the likes of Donald Trump, Senator Tommy Tuberville, Senator Rand Paul, Vivek Ramaswamy, and many more.

The nightmare for a second Donald Trump administration would be RINOs who will do anything to undermine the Trump admin and prevent any real progress from being done to fix what needs to be fixed in America.

That’s the key here. The RINO class like Mitt Romney likes no change because that’s how they survive. They thrive on the purple uniparty class in Washington, D.C. being allowed to lie and lie and lie to the American people that they actually care about progress.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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