Donald Trump gets critical court win against Biden’s DOJ

Donald Trump

Former President Donald Trump is fighting for his political life in court. He just might be able to clear his name.

Because Donald Trump got this critical court win against Joe Biden’s DOJ.

The Department of Justice asked the court presiding over Donald Trump’s 2020 election trial to adopt a protective order barring the former president from discussing the case in public. The judge has ruled against doing so.

The DOJ’s plea was denied by Judge Tanya Chutkan, but the prosecution did achieve a minor victory when she ruled that Trump could not release any “sensitive” documents.

During a hearing on Friday morning, Chutkan stated, “The defendant has the right to free speech, but that right is not absolute.”

DOJ prosecutor Thomas Windom expressed his disagreement with the decision. The defendant “has set forth an intention to set forth any information that they deem informative,” he informed the judge.

The “Defense has broadcast their strategy, and that is not to try this case in this courtroom,” he said, adding that the court should address the matter.

Chutkan expressed understanding, noting that it was a “close” call, but she still refrained from issuing a broad restraining order.

“There are limits. This is a criminal case. The need for this case to proceed in a normal order means there are going to be limits on the defendant’s speech.”

The ex-president’s counsel, John Lauro, argued that Trump’s continued pursuit of the Republican nomination would be harmed by the limited protection order, but Judge Chutkan was unconvinced.

“I cannot and will not factor into my decisions the effect it will have on a campaign for either side,” the judge insisted.

On Friday, special counsel Jack Smith requested Judge Tanya Chutkan to limit Trump’s ability to publicly discuss the case he is facing in the District of Columbia, which involves Trump’s alleged attempt to invalidate the 2020 presidential election.

According to a court filing by Smith, “if the defendant were to begin issuing public posts using details obtained in discovery here, it could have a harmful chilling effect on witnesses or adversely affect the fair administration of justice in this case.”

The request occurred after Donald Trump wrote,, “IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!” on his social media platform, Truth Social.

Trump was charged with four counts of criminal charges which include, conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction and attempted obstruction of an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

This wasn’t a total victory for Donald Trump, as he still won’t be able to discuss certain “sensitive” details of the case with anyone he wants.

But it’s a victory nonetheless. And one that he sorely needed.

Trump has to defend himself against these charges because there are a number of legal experts who argue that he could be barred from holding office again in the United States if found guilty.

That would set off a firestorm amongst his voters, no doubt, but that’s what makes his legal defense priority number one for Donald Trump and his team.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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