Donald Trump is about to steal something precious to Kamala Harris

Former President Trump isn’t playing games. He’s planning to pull the rug out from under Harris.

Because Donald Trump is about to steal something extremely precious to Kamala Harris.

Could a 2024 election surprise be in store this November? There’s usually a couple of small surprises when it comes to the electoral map, but one Trump ally believes he has the opportunity to produce the electoral shock of the century by stealing a state from Kamala Harris that she is relying on this November.

The state? New York. There’s been some murmuring about the possibility that Trump could win the state, specifically because the Democrats in the state are dealing with extremely low confidence in their Party from voters who are traditionally reliable Democrat backers.

Trump campaign ally Newt Gingrich explained on Fox News why he believes the state could turn red and essentially hand the election over to Donald Trump over Kamala Harris in a stunning fashion. It comes down to two reasons: the current Democrat corruption and New York’s historical support for survivors of assassination attempts.

In a recent appearance on The Ingraham Angle, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich shared his perspective on why he believes former President Donald Trump could potentially turn New York, a state long dominated by Democrats, into a Republican victory in the upcoming election.

During the show, host Laura Ingraham and Gingrich discussed Trump’s rally on Long Island. Gingrich emphasized that Trump has a deep connection to his home state and views this election as a pivotal moment for change. According to Gingrich, Trump sees an opportunity amid growing dissatisfaction with Democratic leadership in New York.

“First of all, I think he believes he has a real chance to carry New York because of the corruption, because of the lack of liberal policies, and because of the impact of all those millions of illegal immigrants and the crime that has followed,” Gingrich told Ingraham.

Gingrich also pointed to a significant scandal involving New York City’s mayor, which he believes is further weakening the Democrats at a critical time. He argued that these factors contribute to Trump’s belief that a shift is possible in New York.

Drawing a comparison to former President Ronald Reagan, Gingrich suggested that Trump may see himself as having a providential role, similar to Reagan after surviving an assassination attempt. Gingrich mentioned a conversation between Reagan and Pope John Paul II, where they discussed the divine purpose behind their survival. He speculated that Trump, too, may feel a deeper sense of mission, particularly after the close call he experienced during the Butler shooting.

“He loves the state. He loves the city. He spent most of his life there. I think he has a very deep, deep affection for New York, both in the city and across the whole state,” Gingrich explained. “And I think he also feels that this is a divine moment in the sense that we could really turn the country around, that Biden and Harris have made such a total mess.”

Gingrich reiterated that Trump views this moment as a unique opportunity for a significant political shift in a state traditionally held by Democrats.

“There’s an opportunity here for extraordinary change and Trump thinks he can deliver it,” Gingrich continued.

NewsNation reported that Trump returned to New York to rally supporters on Long Island with just 48 days remaining before the election. Despite New York’s strong Democratic history, Trump has frequently suggested that both New York and neighboring New Jersey could swing in his favor in the 2024 election.

According to a July poll by 270 To Win, Trump was trailing President Joe Biden in New York, with 40% support compared to Biden’s 47.5%. The last time a Republican presidential candidate carried New York was in the 1980 and 1984 elections, when Ronald Reagan won the state.

While you never say never, Trump is trailing behind Kamala Harris in the polls in the double digits range. This indicates he is extremely unlikely to win the state of New York, though the fact that he was able to make it close against Joe Biden before he dropped out should make things interesting.

As we know, in 2016 and 2020 Donald Trump was underestimated by the pollsters almost across the board. There were virtually no states that Donald Trump underperformed his polling numbers prior to those elections. In some cases Donald Trump outperformed the expectations based on polls and surveys by nearly ten points.

Is it possible that the American people are generally not as on board with Kamala Harris as the polls suggest and that Donald Trump could see another 2016/2020 outperformance of the polls? Absolutely. It’s still unlikely he flips New York red, though.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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