So far, former President Trump is the only Republican in the race for president in 2024. But that is all changing now.
And Donald Trump is furious after this Republican teased a 2024 announcement.
Ever since Joe Biden took office, Donald Trump has been planning his return.
He has raised millions of dollars, endorsed Republicans for lower offices, and announced his candidacy two years early.
He is hellbent on righting the wrong that his been dealt this country by Joe Biden, and he’ll stop at nothing to be president again.
Other Republicans have been testing the waters and mulling over tossing their hats in the ring.
Some of those names include conservative rockstar Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence – though neither has committed to a 2024 bid.
But Donald Trump was shocked when he learned who is deciding whether or not to challenge him.
Former South Carolina governor and UN ambassador Nikki Haley said on Thursday that she believes she can be an effective commander-in-chief but hasn’t made up her mind about running for president in 2024.
“Yes, I think I can be that leader,” Haley told Bret Baier on Fox News’ “Special Report” Thursday when asked about her presidential ambitions.
Haley praised her economic management as governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017, as well as her global leadership during Trump’s presidency.
“I was – as governor, I took on a hurting state with double-digit unemployment, and we made it the beast of the Southeast. As ambassador, I took on the world when they tried to disrespect us. And I think I showed what I’m capable of at the United Nations,” said Haley.
“So, do I think I could be that leader? Yes. But we are still working through things, and we will figure it out. I have never lost a race. I said that then. I still say that now. I’m not going to lose now. But stay tuned,” she added.
When asked if she is planning to form a presidential exploratory committee, Haley said, “I think, stay tuned.” Later adding, “We’re leaning in. We are leaning in, in a big way.”
Haley then took a couple shots at Donald Trump, saying we need a new generation of conservatives.
Haley stated that former President Donald Trump’s statement in November that he will seek a second term in office will have no bearing on her decision, and that it is time for “new generational change.”
“I had a great working relationship with the president. I appreciate all the foreign policy issues we worked on together. But what I will tell you is, the survival of America matters. And it’s bigger than one person. And when you’re looking at the future of America, I think it’s time for new generational change,” she said.
“I don’t think you need to be 80 years old to go be a leader in D.C. I think we need a young generation to come in, step up, and really start fixing things,” she argued.
We won’t know if Americans will buy her message that we need to throw out the old for the new for a few years.
But her willingness to fling fire at Trump shows she’s serious.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.