Donald Trump makes 2024 demand that could destroy the RNC

Trump’s lead is getting bigger and bigger. Now he’s going in for the kill.

And Donald Trump just made a 2024 demand that could destroy the RNC.

According to FiveThirtyEight polling, Trump garners 55.4% of the vote in a hypothetical primary.

DeSantis sits at 13.7% and the next highest is Nikki Haley at 7.8%.

With such a staggering lead, Trump wants to get this whole primary over with.

But no one thought he would make such a stunning demand this early in the process.

On Monday night, President Donald Trump’s campaign demanded that the Republican National Committee cancel all remaining primary debates and devote all resources to ensuring election “integrity.”

“The Republican National Committee should immediately cancel the upcoming debate in Miami and end all future debates in order to refocus its manpower and money on preventing Democrats’ efforts to steal the 2024 election,” said Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita.

They continued, “Anything less, along with other reasons not to cancel, are an admission to the grassroots that their concerns about voter integrity are not taken seriously and national Republicans are more concerned about helping Joe Biden than ensuring a safe and secure election.”

The announcement comes just a few days after the most recent fundraising quarter ended on September 30.

Candidates have until October 15 to submit their quarterly financial statements.

Trump’s campaign issued a similar statement following the most recent Republican primary debate, which polls indicated was won by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis, the only other Republican candidate consistently polling in double digits, has since challenged Trump to a debate.

“And I’d say the final thing, he’s had a lot to say about me on social media, really since 2022, right before the midterm election, he started attacking me when all Republicans were supposed to be united for a red wave,” DeSantis said.

“He tried to attack me, and he’s been doing it a lot. You know, it’s one thing to do it behind a keyboard. Step up on stage, and do it to my face. I’m ready for it. He used to say I was a great governor. Now all of a sudden, you’re saying the opposite? Let’s have that discussion. And I’ll do it. We could do one-on-one. I was with Sean last night. Let’s do that and let’s give the American people the choice that they deserve.”

Look, there is no clean way out of this for the Republican Party and conservatives in general.

Most conservatives have their favorite in the primary but are happy to vote for any Republican in the race if it means getting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris out of office.

Unfortunately, the battle lines are drawn, and no one wants to look like the weaker man.

Maybe they can all come to a deal in the future. But for now we’ll just have to wait.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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