Donald Trump puts to bed the rumors with big campaign announcement

There’s been rumors getting steam concerning the Trump campaign. Now we know the truth.

As Donald Trump has put to bed the rumors once and for all with a big campaign announcement.

For months, there have been rumors that Kellyanne Conway would potentially be rejoining the Trump campaign after she has largely been kept at arm’s length by Trump and his allies for the past several years. An anonymous source shared with reporters at Axios that she would be a “go-to messenger” for the campaign in an unspecified role.

Then, about a week ago, Puck News dropped another report suggesting that Conway was on the mind of Donald Trump to bring her back into his advisor circle for his 2024 campaign. Now the rumors have been put to bed. She simply isn’t going to be joining the Trump campaign, and it’s come from Donald Trump himself who has denied all these reports.

Trump Makes Clear Kellyanne Conway Isn’t Joining The Campaign Once More

Former President Donald Trump has dismissed recent speculation that he is considering bringing back his former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, to his team. Conway, who played a key role in Trump’s 2016 victory and later served as a senior counselor during his presidency, has recently been the subject of rumors suggesting she may rejoin his campaign.

These rumors gained traction after Tara Palmeri reported in Puck, an online magazine, that members of Trump’s family were advocating for Conway’s return. According to Palmeri, Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, his son Eric Trump, and his daughter-in-law and RNC co-chair Lara Trump, are among those encouraging the former president to reinstate Conway in a prominent role.

However, Trump refuted these claims during an interview with The New York Times on Friday. He emphasized that he is not planning any changes to his current campaign team and expressed his satisfaction with his top advisers, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita. “Why would I want to make such a change?” Trump reportedly asked, reiterating his confidence in his existing staff.

This speculation comes amid a significant shift in the 2024 presidential race, following President Joe Biden’s decision to forgo his reelection bid. With Biden out of the race, Trump has adjusted his campaign strategy, focusing more on Vice President Kamala Harris. The latest polls show a close contest between Harris and Trump, with some surveys indicating Harris has a slight lead, both nationally and in critical swing states.

The Conways No Longer Welcome Within The Close Circle Of The Trump Team

Kellyanne Conway still stands by Donald Trump, no doubt. But there’s real questions about how safe it is for Donald Trump to let her close and how much he could trust her considering her husband is one of the most radical Leftists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

According to George Conway, Kamala Harris is “exposing” Trump as a “narcissist” because she’s getting crowd support at campaign stops that he says Trump “can’t get.” Yeah, he’s off his rocker for sure.

He’s also compared Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign to when Hitler was awaiting his demise towards the end of the Second World War in 1944 and 1945. How those two are remotely comparable is beyond us. He hates Trump so much, it’s truly unbelievable.

How Donald Trump can trust someone who has a spouse that is taking every opportunity to go on media to trash Trump and company is a really good question. What is that relationship between Kellyanne and George Conway even like? They are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Kellyanne Conway is going to have to be a cheerleader for Donald Trump from the sidelines this time around. She’s not welcome in the inner circle and can’t be trusted with key Trump insider secrets and plans.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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