Donald Trump receives a critical hint about how to beat Joe Biden in November

A 2020 rematch between Trump and Biden is all but certain. The outcome may be very different this time.

Because Donald Trump was tipped off with this critical hint about how he can easily beat Joe Biden in November.

Whatever anyone thinks about the 2020 presidential election, there’s no doubt that the 2024 election is going to be very different before Americans have to head to the ballot box in November.

In 2020, Donald Trump was leading the nation in the midst of a pandemic panic, millions of jobs were lost, and the entire economy was in question because of the lockdowns. That’s the political atmosphere Donald Trump was facing.

Even despite that, the results of the 2020 election were razor close, even if there was some funny business that might’ve helped one candidate over the other. (We’ll leave that part up to the imagination so we don’t get a knock on our doors by the Big Tech overlords who would love nothing more than to shut us down.)

At this point in the 2024 election year cycle though, Joe Biden is the one facing an extremely tough political atmosphere. In the case of Donald Trump, it wasn’t even his fault and was largely out of his hands. Joe Biden and his Democrat lackeys are largely responsible for the mess they’ve made of the U.S. southern border and the hobbling American economy, in the opinion of most voters. That’s why his approval ratings are worse than any U.S. president in modern history.

Not only that, but in 2020 the GOP was completely blindsided by the mail-in ballots push that the Democrats were so insistent on that year. In blue and purple cities all over the country, the Democrat Party pushed for Americans to send in mail-in ballots as much as possible and vote as early as possible. This was all in the name of “pandemic safety” as they continued to fearmonger the COVID-19 panic.

Now Republicans are more prepared, or at least they should be. That’s the advice Donald Trump is getting from a GOP PAC that’s trying to get him over the finish line this November.

A super political action committee (PAC) aligned with the GOP is urging Republicans to focus on driving get-out-the-vote efforts ahead of the contentious November election, according to a memo shared with the Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday. The Sentinel Action Fund, with a specific focus on bolstering turnout for GOP Senate candidates in crucial swing states, is advocating for both in-person and mail-in early voting. The memo, disseminated to various conservative groups and leaders, outlines “suggested messaging points” aimed at enhancing the Right’s election infrastructure and securing significant victories in 2024.

Jessica Anderson, president of the Sentinel Action Fund, emphasized the importance of early in-person voting and voting by mail in securing a Republican triumph in 2024. Anderson stressed that Republicans must embrace all available tools while advocating for election integrity reforms to ensure a level playing field. She highlighted the need to counter the narrative that Republicans have historically allowed the Left to dictate election rules, resulting in victories well before Election Day.

The super PAC’s memo underscores the belief that robust get-out-the-vote efforts could offset any potential instances of fraud. Additionally, the group encourages voters to engage in the electoral process as poll watchers and grassroots organizers. Citing the narrow margins that cost Republicans the Senate in 2022, particularly in key states like Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona, the memo emphasizes the significant impact even a slight boost in voter turnout can have in closely contested elections.

According to data from NBC News, over 47 million Americans participated in early in-person or mail-in voting during the 2022 midterms. Democrats accounted for 45% of early voters, while Republicans made up 35%.

The Sentinel Action Fund’s memo underscores the importance of engaging voters early, citing polling from January conducted by OnMessage Public Strategies. The polling revealed that voters were more inclined to vote early when presented with arguments emphasizing the benefits of early voting in preventing mishaps on Election Day, curbing voter fraud, and reducing campaign-related communications.

In light of these findings, the super PAC urges Republicans to prioritize early voting initiatives as a strategic approach to securing electoral victories. By promoting a proactive approach to voter engagement and emphasizing the benefits of early voting, Republicans aim to maximize turnout and mitigate potential challenges on Election Day.

Through concerted efforts to mobilize supporters and advocate for election integrity reforms, the GOP-aligned super PAC seeks to establish a competitive edge in the upcoming election cycle.

Conservatives are right to be skeptical of the loosening of what “election day” even looks like with people being able to vote weeks in advance and with mail-in ballots where people don’t have to interact with any real official when they actually cast their vote.

Ideally, everyone votes in one 24-hour cycle by physically going to polling stations that have both paper and secure computer voting options that are monitored closely by election officials. And ideally only those who present a valid government-issued ID is able to vote, no questions asked.

Then, there should be no variance in counts and recounts. A verifiable result should be reproduced through recounts that show the exact same counts every single time. That’s the scientific method at work. Anyone arguing that we can’t accomplish that in 2024 shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near election planning.

That being said, Republicans who point out that there can be no competing with the Democrats if they don’t encourage any and all legal means of trying to drive out the vote are completely right.

Certainly, there’s still millions of Americans who feel as though they can’t trust the results of the 2020 election as legitimate or fair because of the pandemic panic that most certainly changed voting in countless ways.

That being said, though, Donald Trump and his campaign should be looking at taking Joe Biden to task every step of the way. That includes driving out the vote in every legal way possible, even if it’s new for many conservatives.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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