Donald Trump secures 2024 election win that makes CNN host speechless

Former President Trump is about to make history. He’s doing what no one thought was possible.

Because Trump is securing a 2024 election win that has everyone at CNN utterly speechless.

Trump Gaining Unprecedented Support Among Black Voters Ahead of 2024 Election

In an unexpected turn of events, former President Donald Trump is making significant strides among black voters in the lead-up to the 2024 election. According to CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten, Trump is narrowing the gap with President Joe Biden among black Americans, particularly in key battleground states. A May poll by The New York Times/Siena College indicates that Biden currently leads Trump 70% to 18% among black voters in these states, marking a notable shift from previous elections.

Enten expressed surprise on CNN News Central about Trump’s performance with black voters, especially given his Republican affiliation, and highlighted Biden’s growing unpopularity within this demographic.

“I keep looking for this to change, to go back to a historical norm and it, simply put, has not yet,” Enten remarked. “In 2020, Joe Biden was getting 86% of the African American vote. Look at where it is now. It’s 70%, that’s a 16-point drop.” He further pointed out that Trump’s support has increased from 7% in 2020 to 21% now, suggesting a potential historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate not seen in six decades.

Enten detailed that while Biden maintains relatively stable support among older black voters, he is losing ground significantly with younger black voters. He explained, “For black voters age fifty and older, Joe Biden was leading by 83 points in 2020. Now, it’s 74 points, so a slight decline. However, for black voters under the age of 50, Biden’s lead has dropped from 80 points in 2020 to just 37 points now.” This represents a more than halving of his previous lead among younger black voters, which has traditionally been a stronghold for the Democratic Party.

John Berman, the host of the segment, emphasized the significance of this decline, noting it as a “huge drop” in a relatively short time.

Additionally, Enten mentioned that the presence of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the ballot negatively impacts both Biden and Trump’s performance with black voters, though Biden’s lead is cut more significantly. “It’s partially an artifact of Donald Trump perhaps being better liked among black voters, but it’s also a real artifact of Joe Biden being significantly less liked among black voters than he was four years ago,” Enten concluded.

This shift in voter sentiment could have profound implications for the 2024 election, potentially altering the dynamics in key battleground states and reshaping traditional voting patterns within the black community.

Analyzing the 2020 election with slight changes can provide insight into potential paths to victory for Donald Trump in future elections. There are quite a few scenarios where minor adjustments in 2020 could have led to a Trump victory.

Extremely Minor Shifts in Key States

The 2020 election was decided by narrow margins in several key states. Small shifts in voter turnout or preferences in these states could have changed the outcome. Biden won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes. If Trump had managed to secure a small fraction more of the vote, he could have flipped the state.

Biden’s margin of victory in Georgia was approximately 12,000 votes. Increased turnout among Trump supporters or a slightly higher percentage of votes could have given Trump the state.

Biden won Arizona by around 10,000 votes. A slight increase in support from suburban or rural voters could have secured a win for Trump.

Trump Campaign Driving Get-Out-The-Vote Efforts

Increasing voter turnout in areas with strong support for Trump could have been decisive. By boosting turnout in rural counties where Trump had strong support, he could have closed the gap in several battleground states. Targeting non-metropolitan regions with specific policies and messages could have increased Trump’s vote share enough to sway state results.

Even slight improvements in Trump’s performance among black voters in key urban areas could have made a difference back in 2020. For example, reducing Biden’s margin in cities like Milwaukee, Detroit, or Philadelphia.

Looking forward to 2024, Donald Trump has a golden opportunity to make it extremely difficult for Joe Biden and company to win states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania should Trump double down on swiping inner-city voters away from the clutches of the Democrats.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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