FBI Director made one startling statement that completely changed the 2024 election

In every poll, Trump would beat Joe Biden if the election was held today. And the Swamp in Washington, D.C. is doing everything to stop that.

That’s why the FBI Director made one startling statement that completely changed the 2024 election.

The Democrat Party’s worst nightmare is having another four years of Donald Trump.

They’ve spent millions of dollars and countless man hours peddling lies about Trump and pushing bogus legal challenges.

If Trump gets back into office, they know he’s going to clean house.

And that’s why they don’t seem to be leaving anything up to chance.

During a hearing on Tuesday, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray hinted that the agency may be investigating Donald Trump.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) grilled Wray on the issue during the Annual Threat Assessment hearing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

She first stressed that former FBI Director James Comey “testified that he did not follow the proper protocol regarding the notification of Congress of the opening of the Crossfire Hurricane” – the counterintelligence investigation of Trump that began in 2016.

The third-ranking House Republican also stated that the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) requires the FBI to notify “Congressional leadership of any counter-intelligence investigation into a federal candidate for office” before inquiring about potential counterintelligence investigations into Trump or Biden.

After a long delay, Wray attempted to direct Stefanik to special counsel Robert Hur, but Stefanik insisted on an answer, citing the IAA.

“There is no investigation that I could confirm here, no,” he added.


Stefanik: Is there a counterintelligence investigation?

Wray: Again, I’m not confirming any investigation into either candidate.

Stefanik: Are you aware that you’re required by the IAA to notify Congress of any counterintelligence investigation?

Wray: And we will comply with the law.

Stefanik: Have you already complied with the law? Has there been a notification?

Wray: I believe we have been in compliance with the law.

Stefanik: You believe you have been or has there been a notification to Congress of any counterintelligence investigation of a federal candidate?

Wray: I believe we have complied with the law.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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