Fox News host asks top Democrat about replacing Biden and the response raises eyebrows

President Biden’s mental gaffes are piling up. This has the DNC questioning his campaign.

And now the response from a top Democrat when asked about replacing Biden has raised eyebrows.

For months now, the Joe Biden campaign and establishment Democrat operatives have been saying that the suggestion that Joe Biden will possibly be replaced as the Democrat nominee running for president is completely unfounded and will never happen in a million years. No matter how much they say that though, the theory that it could happen remains. In recent weeks, the resurgence of that theory has been due to video after video coming out showing Joe Biden simply acting strange in public.

One video going viral shows Joe Biden just freezing on stage at the end of an event, to the point where former President Barack Obama has to grab his arm and walk him off stage as if Biden has no idea where he is.

Another recent one making the rounds shows Joe Biden seemingly forgetting the name of his Secretary of Homeland Security, Mr. Mayorkas, and then trying to recover and act like he was just “kidding.” That’s a common theme you’ll see with the Democrat establishment on this issue. They say he’s just playing around. They’ll also just outright gaslight you and say you’re not seeing what your eyes are seeing.

Some more anti-establishment Democrats who label themselves “progressives” are sounding the alarm that Joe Biden is likely to lose to Donald Trump, which is what the writing on the wall says at this point. And yet, it seems the Democrat establishment is fully committed to getting Joe Biden to the general election season, at least for now.

Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade Queries Governor Wes Moore on Presidential Aspirations Amid Biden’s Declining Polls

On Wednesday, Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade posed a critical question to Democratic Maryland Governor Wes Moore regarding his potential to step in as the Democratic Party nominee if President Joe Biden’s campaign falters. This query comes on the heels of increasing calls from prominent figures for Biden to consider withdrawing from the race due to poor polling numbers.

During an appearance on Fox & Friends, Kilmeade broached the subject with Moore, highlighting the governor’s rising profile. Kilmeade referenced a Republican perspective, stating, “A Republican told me, they said ‘when this bridge collapsed, this is going to be a test for Governor Moore. Because people think he’s going to be presidential material. And if he can get this done quickly, this would be a great launching pad for him.’ So far you’re doing it. And that’s why people are floating your name as a possible President Biden replacement, should the wheels come off come the August convention. Your reaction?”

In response, Governor Moore emphasized his unwavering support for President Biden. “I’m full-throated in my support of President Biden because I know so much of the momentum that we’ve been able to see in the state of Maryland,” Moore asserted. He highlighted significant achievements under his leadership, such as Maryland’s dramatic improvement in unemployment rates and a substantial reduction in violent crime in Baltimore, attributing these successes to bipartisan efforts and collaboration with the Biden administration.

Pollster Nate Silver recently sparked debate by suggesting that Biden’s best chance of defeating former President Donald Trump might involve stepping down from the race if his approval ratings remain low. Silver noted on X that while Biden’s withdrawal would entail significant risks, the alternative could be even riskier given the current polling landscape, where Biden’s approval has sunk to 37.4%, as reported by FiveThirtyEight.

Kilmeade pressed further, asking, “What about if your name was offered as a possible replacement, should something happen at the convention? How would you feel about that? Do you think you’re ready?” Moore reiterated his support for Biden, stating, “I think that President Biden is not just the nominee. President Biden is the best candidate for the presidency and is the reason I’m supporting him. And the reason that I look forward to engaging all throughout the campaign season to get him reelected.”

The discussion of Biden’s potential withdrawal has been ongoing, with Silver previously advising in May that Biden should consider stepping aside if his prospects do not improve by the time of the Democratic National Convention in August. This perspective was echoed by David Axelrod, former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, who told Bill Maher that replacing Biden at this stage would be a “fantasy.”

Public discourse on Biden’s cognitive abilities has intensified, particularly in light of recent comments from listeners on a popular hip-hop radio show. One caller labeled Biden as “demented Joe,” while another criticized the narrative that Biden remains the only viable candidate despite visible challenges. “You can tell us this is not happening … but we see it. We actually out here living it,” the caller remarked, highlighting the economic struggles many Americans face.

This increasing scrutiny places the Democratic party in a challenging position as they approach the 2024 election, balancing the need for a strong candidate with growing concerns about Biden’s viability and public perception.

You know when radical extremist “progressives” like Cenk Uygur, Fox News’ Tomi Lahren, and British TV personality Piers Morgan all agree that Joe Biden is unfit to run the nation for another four years, then that is all you need to know about the topic. Very rarely will you find all three of those circles align.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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