Hillary Clinton advisor leaks a game-changing 2024 announcement

Everyone assumes that 2024 will be a rematch between Biden and Trump. That’s not a safe assumption.

Because Hillary Clinton’s advisor just leaked a game-changing 2024 announcement.

What no high-profile Democrat wants to admit is that Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign is one of the weakest incumbent campaigns in American history.

The now 81-year-old Democrat is contending with some of the worst approval ratings of his Presidential tenure with no sign of that turning around whatsoever.

This has led to the rumor mill spinning up with many suggesting that there will be someone else that will step in to run as the Democrat nominee for the 2024 general election instead of Joe Biden.

Some have suggested that California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) will be tapped to save his party in the fourth quarter in a sort of “break the glass” and sound the alarm moment.

Though these rumors keep turning up and seem to have some sort of smoke behind them, so far water has been poured on them left and right.

Gavin Newsom has denied at every chance he’s had that he would be seeking the Democrat Presidential nomination to run in 2024.

The real problem that Joe Biden is going to have to contend with is someone who is already in the race and gaining ground on him. That’s Robert F. Kennedy, of course.

In some polls, Mr. Kennedy is carrying upwards of two dozen or more points in surveys of potential Democrat primary voters. That’s way more support than any Presidential candidate running against the incumbent of his own party can claim in decades.

Furthermore, he’s been garnering big name support left and right from the likes of popular podcaster Joe Rogan and dozens of other names with major followings.

And now he’s picked up an endorsement from a Democrat operative that once worked for Hillary Clinton herself.

According to The Daily Beast, Jay Carson, the former communications director for the Clinton Foundation and the Press Secretary for the Clinton campaign back in 2008, has announced his support for RFK Jr. in the 2024 Presidential election.

The Daily Beast reports:

Carson became good friends with Kennedy through sobriety and believes he’s fit to be the next president. “I remain a full-time screenwriter, but I’m trying to do what I can to help Bobby win because I think our country needs a president who understands how deeply the system is broken, but who is also sane and competent enough to fix it,” he wrote in a statement to Confider.

Later on in the Daily Beast piece, it’s noted that the Biden campaign does not seem concerned at this time about the potential of Mr. Kennedy turning this momentum into primary season success.

“A fiction writer working for a delusional conspiracy theorist. Tracks,” a Democrat insider anonymously shared with the media.

Though, they likely should be concerned. Donald Trump is surging in the polls and looks to walk his way into the White House as Americans see just how worse off America is under Joe Biden’s “leadership” compared to Donald Trump’s.

This is specifically why there’s plenty of Democrats who are calling for Joe Biden to step aside as soon as possible so they can try to get someone to run who may have a shot against Donald Trump.

That may be wishful thinking, however. The American people would likely not take well to the idea of the Democrat party pulling the plug on Joe Biden’s second term as it would be an admission that he was never fit for office in the first place.

It would likely hand Republicans an upperhand in the 2024 election that’d lead to a massive red wave.

For Donald Trump and his conservative voters, cheering on someone like Robert F. Kennedy is a no-brainer as it further fractures the Democrat Party that is struggling more and more to deal with its division of old guard establishment and the modern “progressive” base.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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