Joe Manchin went on MSNBC and made Joe Biden livid with just one sentence

Senator Joe Manchin refuses to fall in line with the Democrats. He’s become a major thorn in their side.

And now Joe Manchin made President Biden livid by saying this one sentence on MSNBC.

In response to a question on whether or not he thinks President Joe Biden is the greatest candidate for the Democratic Party to win in 2024, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) dodged the question by stating he is unaware of anyone else who is “willing to get into the race.”

Manchin’s remarks come as Biden campaigns for reelection, with many other Democrats, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Marianne Williamson, and Terrisa Bukovinac, vying for the Democratic nomination. Concerns regarding Biden’s age and his low popularity rating in polling data have persisted throughout his presidency, leading some to doubt if he is the greatest option for Democrats.

“I don’t know who else is out there, who’s willing to get into the race,” Manchin added. “Until you have an open primary-type thing or have challenges, you really don’t know.”

The West Virginia senator continued by saying that Biden is “the choice” of the Democratic Party as of right now. He did, however, point out that Biden’s poll numbers are “flipping back and forth,” citing surveys that suggest a close race between the former Vice President and Trump.

It was speculated that Manchin will run for president as an independent in the 2024 race, after he said earlier this year that he was “thinking seriously” about making the switch.

Reports suggest that Kennedy Jr., during his visit to Philadelphia on Monday, would confirm rumors that he plans to leave the Democratic primary and run for president as a third-party candidate in 2024. Kennedy Jr. posted a video to social media suggesting a “major announcement” will be made on Monday, although he did not elaborate.

Trump first declared his candidacy for president in the 2024 election last year, and he continues to dominate the Republican primary. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), and business entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy are the other contenders in the primary.

Trump’s victory in the 2024 Republican primary would pave the way for a possible runoff election against Joe Biden. Most respondents have said they don’t want either candidate to be president in a hypothetical election for 2024, although the incumbent president has a slim advantage over Trump according to some polls.

Joe Manchin has often been seen as a centrist or moderate Democrat who has taken positions that sometimes distance himself from the party establishment. Here’s a few ways he’s done just that.

Voting against party lines: Manchin has occasionally voted against the Democratic Party’s agenda. For instance, he voted against the confirmation of Neera Tanden as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, citing her past controversial statements on social media.

Opposition to the filibuster elimination: Manchin has been a vocal defender of the filibuster, a Senate rule that requires a 60-vote majority to pass most legislation. This has put him at odds with some members of his party who have called for its elimination in order to pass key legislation with a simple majority.

Opposition to the “For the People Act”: Manchin has expressed reservations about the “For the People Act,” a sweeping voting rights and campaign finance reform bill supported by many Democrats. He has proposed a more moderate alternative and has not been willing to support the bill in its current form.

Stance on energy and environmental issues: Manchin represents a state with a significant coal industry, and he has at times been at odds with the more progressive wing of the Democratic Party on issues related to climate change and energy policy. He has advocated for a more measured approach to addressing climate change that takes into account the concerns of his constituents in the energy sector.

Joe Manchin most certainly supports some policies that conservatives can’t get behind either. He still supports the federal government spending way more than most conservative voters would like to see.

So while he likely wouldn’t be welcomed in the Republican party, it’s very interesting seeing him continue to be a thorn in the side of the Democrats who just can’t seem to get rid of him.

The modern Democrat party can’t see how radical it has become and instead they want to continue to alienate somewhat centrist, old-school Democrats like Joe Manchin. It’s a joy to watch.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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