Former President Barack Obama may not be in office anymore. But he’s not out of the picture.
Because Barack Obama made a stunning confession about Donald Trump that blindsided everyone.
Obama cautioned Biden privately over lunch during this summer that Trump, the former president, may be a more difficult candidate to beat than many Democrats understand.
Obama assured Biden that he would do everything in his power to ensure the president’s reelection.
At their June 27 lunch at the White House, Obama voiced fear that Republican frontrunner Donald Trump may become a very strong contender thanks to the support of his fervently dedicated supporters, the conservative media, and a divided country.
On Tuesday, a poll conducted by the New York Times and Siena College found that, in a rematch from 2020, Trump and Biden would each receive 43% of the vote.
The Washington Post’s account of Obama and Biden’s private lunch, the details of which have not been made public before, was based on information from two persons with knowledge of the meeting.
According to the Post, Obama and Biden talked about a wide variety of topics over lunch, including politics, policy, and even family updates.
The Post said Obama would start raising money for Biden in the fall, citing an unnamed source with knowledge of the preparations.
“President Biden is grateful for his unwavering support and looks forward to once again campaigning side-by-side with President Obama to win in 2024 and finish the job for the American people,” said Biden campaign spokesperson TJ Ducklo.
As he did in 2020 and 2022, when he helped his party’s presidential nominee by holding massive rallies in swing areas, hosting fundraisers, and recording ads in tough congressional elections, Obama will likely do the same this time around, as he remains popular among Democrats.
According to Obama aide Eric Schultz, Barack would try to do as much as possible for the Biden campaign.
“We place a huge emphasis on finding creative ways to reach new audiences, especially tools that can be directly tied to voter mobilization or volunteer activations,” added Schultz.
A fundraiser for the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which works to counteract Republicans’ success in creating legislative and congressional districts, is planned for later in August at Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard retreat.
This admission from Barack Obama is important because many of his Democrat contemporaries are claiming that Donald Trump has “no shot” at winning the Presidency again.
But that’s just not true and even Barack Obama knows that.
Donald Trump upset Hillary Clinton in 2016 for two main reasons that nobody can get around.
First, Donald Trump was an outsider from the political class and represented someone who could shake things up in Washington, D.C. at a time when Americans were getting very sick of the political class status quo.
Secondly, the Democrats underestimated the strength of Trump’s message and his ability to connect with Americans.
Barack Obama can see 2024 having some of the ingredients of 2016 when no one gave Trump a chance.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.