Trump to have the rug pulled out from under his 2024 campaign in startling fashion

There’s no doubt that Trump is the frontrunner for the presidential election. But that’s not the whole story.

Because a new rumor suggests Trump is going to have the rug pulled out from under him.

Republican presidential contender Ron DeSantis will “shock the world” at the Iowa caucuses, according to Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, who made the comment in an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller.

Trump, the former president, has 51.3% of the vote, with DeSantis in second place with 18.6%, according to RealClearPolitics, and the Iowa caucuses are less than 30 days away. The campaign of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been heavily investing in the ground game, and last week, Stitt, who backed DeSantis in June, attended many events with him. Despite the polls, Stitt shared with journalists that he is “excited” about January.

“I think DeSantis is going to shock the world here and it’s going to be exciting to see,” Stitt claimed. “I wouldn’t worry about polls. It’s all about what’s going to happen on January 15th in Iowa.”

According to the governor of Oklahoma, who spoke with reporters from the Daily Caller News Foundation, the people of Iowa are “lucky” to have the opportunity to “shape” the 2024 Republican nominee for candidacy.

“The whole world is watching you,” Stitt told the Iowans on the ground. “I mean, Oklahoma, is watching Iowa. You guys are so lucky. You get to vet all these candidates and help determine and shape who you think is the best person for our country.”

You can watch a clip of Stitt sharing his opinion on the 2024 election below:

In addition, Stitt stated that polls have not necessarily shown the truth about previous elections. He mentioned how polls had shown him losing to Democrat Joy Hofmeister on occasion throughout his own reelection campaign; he ultimately defeated Hofmeister by more than thirteen percentage points, as reported by the official state results.

“I think people are so disappointed with polling and who’s pushing those polls,” Stitt shared.

To top it all off, DeSantis fulfilled an early campaign pledge in December by visiting each of the 99 counties in the state. He also received substantial endorsements from Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds and Bob Vander Plaats, head of the Christian group The FAMiLY Leader in Iowa. However, voters who spoke with the DCNF at campaign events said that they weren’t certain the polls were reliable and that, although they liked DeSantis, they felt that the majority of Iowans were still deciding who to vote for.

According to Stitt’s statement to the DCNF, it is an undeniable fact that a Republican president serving eight years is preferable to one serving only four. He insisted that the nation requires a “fresh slate” since the “turmoil and lawsuits” surrounding Trump would entirely eclipse the last term of the outgoing president.

“We’d be there for eight years,” Stitt said. “It’d be amazing … You get all the conservative policies without any of the baggage really and so for me, that’s the biggest thing, somebody who can be there for eight years and somebody that will not back down.”

Supporters of Ron DeSantis argue that DeSantis winning in 2024 would all but guarantee him a solid eight years in the White House given that the Democrats would have no strong candidate to run against him in 2028.

Though, Trump supporters are more skeptical about how well DeSantis would govern the nation.

Trump voters have been saying that Trump is a known quantity unlike Ron DeSantis. Many of his voters from 2016 and 2020 also believe that he should have a second term since the 2020 election is so hotly contested to this day.

Whether Stitt is right remains to be seen. But he is right that early primary results can change the whole primary picture right out of the gate.

We’ve seen this time and again as the primary favorite loses a couple early primary races and then ends up being forced out of the race as the primary voters shift to the winners of those early races.

Though, Donald Trump’s commanding lead in the polls suggest that’s unlikely to happen this time around.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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