The pressure is on for the 2024 election cycle. That will bring out the worst in everyone.
And what the Democrats have been caught doing leading up to the 2024 election will blow your mind.
The biggest unions in the country spent an unprecedented $708 million on politics last election cycle, funding initiatives supported by the Democratic Party. This trend is expected to persist into the 2024 election cycle.
In a recent study published by the Commonwealth Foundation, it was discovered that the four largest government unions in the country — the AFT, the NEA, AFSCME, and SEIU — divided up the enormous sum to be spent on lobbying and contributions to political groups and candidates running for office at the federal, state, and local levels in the midterm elections of 2022.
“Our research illuminates the considerable political influence wielded by government unions, both in Washington, D.C., and in states throughout the nation,” shared David Osborne a senior official for the Commonwealth Foundation with the media.
As a result of their influence in government, unions are able to elect politicians who will look out for their interests and forward communist goals. The regrettable outcome is that politicians at all levels of government are showing more interest in appeasing union bosses than in serving the interests of workers or taxpayers.
Fox News was presented with a copy of a report by the Commonwealth Foundation that details the ways in which the major government-backed unions pooled their enormous financial resources to support Democrat causes across several industries.
Union spending was disproportionately high on political action, as defined by the Commonwealth Foundation, compared to spending on areas directly related to union membership, the research found.
The only ones gouging the public are the Democrats.
Defund their unions and bloated bureaucrats.
Stop letting them use taxes and regulations on what we produce with our own sweat and toil to enrich themselves and their crony-capitalist donor class.
Stop voting for Democrats. https://t.co/NH2Fm5kpEA
— Nan "Say No to Deprogrammers" Hayworth, M.D. (@NanHayworth) November 30, 2023
“Most of a union’s revenue comes from its membership, in the form of member dues. Given this fact, it may make sense for the unions to allocate most financial resources toward membership support,” the study asserts.
“However, this is not the case. The four largest government unions spent over $2.79 billion in 2021 and 2022, yet representational activities, the spending category most closely linked to membership support, only accounted for $554 million, or less than 20 percent of total expenditures.”
The unions’ federal PACs spent a total of $157 million on campaigns. Of that, $38 million went to the Senate Majority PAC, which is aligned with Senator Chuck Schumer.
Democratic candidates received $8.29 million, the vast majority from the union PACs’ $8.34 million in direct contributions. The biggest awardee was Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock, whose campaign received more than sixty thousand dollars.
Furthermore, it was found by the Commonwealth Foundation that nearly one hundred fifty million dollars had been funneled into state and local levels during the 2022 election season.
“Of this, $118.1 million went directly toward candidates for public office and partisan PACs, while $26.9 million went to nonpartisan candidates, staff costs, membership mailers and other miscellaneous costs,” according to the study. “Unsurprisingly, an overwhelming majority of the partisan contributions went to Democratic candidates.”
Illinois, California, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Washington were the states where the unions invested the majority of their state funds.
The analysis found that Democrats were the beneficiaries of nearly all federal union PAC funding and nearly all state PAC contributions.
What the Commonwealth Foundation called “extensive spending on federal politics” may be the reason behind the “preferential treatment” that unions get from the Democrat administration of Joe Biden.
School reopening instructions sent out by Biden’s Center for Disease Control during the COVID-19 epidemic included wording recommendations made by the AFT. According to the group’s research, the Biden administration had also suggested almost half a billion dollars in financing for community schools that were supported by unions.
Unfortunately, the reality of the Democrats using unions to bankroll their political campaigns and lobbying goes back decades in American history. Without any reform to the way these unions operate, they will continue to operate unchecked and funnel dark money to sway elections.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.