For over six years, Donald Trump has been the focus of countless smear campaigns designed to prevent him from ever gaining any position of power ever again.
The establishment thought they had Trump cornered with indictment. But this lawyer just asked the one question Donald Trump was waiting for about the FBI and DOJ.
Former President Donald Trump has had to deal with witch hunt after witch hunt since before he even won the Presidential election of 2016.
It’s abundantly clear that the intel agencies and the mainstream media are doing everything in their power to finally “catch” Donald Trump in some crime.
The latest of these attempts came in the form of unconstitutionally raiding Trump’s Mar-a-lago home.
Now these intel and Leftist mainstream media talking heads are proclaiming that Trump needs to be indicted.
But Trey Gowdy, lawyer and former U.S. Congressman from South Carolina has one question:
Has the FBI and DOJ treated all former Presidents the same way they’ve treated Donald Trump?
That’s exactly what he asked on his Fox News segment.
“Have you treated former Presidents and high-ranking government officials the same, since these laws pertaining to records went into effect? These questions can be answered by the DOJ,” Trey Gowdy began.
He pressed the issue further, adding “Don’t claim you can’t comment on uncharged conduct. James Comey had a press conference and cited all the reasons Hillary Clinton could be charged, but would not be. Robert Mueller issued a public report on then-President Donald Trump, who was never charged.”
Finally, he ended with the most logical position anyone can take on this whole FBI-DOJ debacle.
“You don’t have to be charged to spill the facts. If there’s a case to indict a former President, give us what you got,” the former Congressman finished with.
Trey Gowdy’s line of questioning makes one thing clear.
The American public know next to nothing about what happened, other than the fact that Donald Trump’s residence was unconstitutionally raided.
The Leftist mainstream media knows next to nothing about what happened.
And apparently, much of the FBI and DOJ knows nothing about what happened.
So then why is the DOJ immediately being pressured internally and externally to indict Donald Trump for crimes basically no one knows about?
We all know the reason why.
Joe Biden is a sitting duck and if Donald Trump runs against Biden in 2024, Biden is toast.
And the Washington, D.C. Swamp will move heaven and earth to make sure that doesn’t happen.