Former President Obama thinks he’s still in control. But he’s in for a rude awakening.
Because Barack Obama got stabbed in the back by this federal judge’s huge ruling.
Both major political parties in the United States know just how important the 2024 election cycle is. It’s probably the most important election year since Donald Trump was first elected in 2016, and one of the most important of the last 40 years.
Whichever way it goes may very well define the future of America for the next several decades, and that’s no overstatement.
So, naturally, both parties are looking for a leg up over one another as we near November 2024. The tribalism of American politics is becoming more and more potent right now.
Usually Democrats stay in the back pocket of each other, but once in a while you’ll find a Democrat willing to break away from the mold and take a stance against the Democrat establishment. This just happened as an Obama-nominated judge handed down a ruling that Obama and his Democrat lackeys aren’t going to like.
Despite Democrats’ and so-called “voting rights” groups’ complaints, a federal court affirmed the new legislative and congressional maps prepared by the GOP in Georgia.
In October, lawmakers redrew the maps in response to a ruling by Obama appointee District Court Judge Steve Jones that they violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act by intentionally diluting the minority vote. Despite Republicans rearranging districts to preserve their majority advantage, Jones stated in an order Thursday that the new maps fix the vote dilution issue since they contain more districts with a Black majority.
“The court finds that the general assembly fully complied with this court’s order requiring the creation of Black-majority districts in the regions of the state where vote dilution was found,” Jones said.
BREAKING: Federal judge OKs Georgia's redrawn Congressional maps that adds two majority-Black districts but preserves a 9R-5D advantage, writing that GOP lawmakers followed his orders requiring a new Black district in western ATL suburbs. #gapolhttps://t.co/bIzE9CAZgQ
— stephen fowler (@stphnfwlr) December 28, 2023
After Jones’s October verdict, politicians could no longer address the issue of vote dilution “by eliminating minority districts elsewhere.” The Associated Press reports that the new designs have altered Democratic-held districts, including the one of Democratic Representative Lucy McBath, in which minorities do not make up the majority of the electorate.
In an email to supporters sent on Thursday, McBath reportedly stated, “I won’t let Republicans decide when my time in Congress is over.”
“Redistricting decisions by a legislative body with an eye toward securing partisan advantage does not alone violate Section 2,” Jones penned on Thursday. “In fact, the Supreme Court has expressly stated that federal judges have no license to reallocate political power between the two major political parties, given the lack of constitutional authority and the absence of legal standards to direct such decisions.”
Of course, while the Republicans were forced to concede some ground with their reworking of the electoral map in Georgia, this is an overall win for the GOP in the state which is sure to be a hotly contested battleground.
To add insult to injury for the Democrats, the reworked congressional maps were approved by a Democrat judge who was appointed by Barack Obama himself back in March of 2011.
Jones has historically been a major ally for the Democrat party agenda as he has gone as far as to rule a Georgia pro-life law as unconstitutional back in July of 2020. This ruling of his has since been made moot in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned since the Roe v. Wade ruling was the basis of his ruling the pro-life law as unconstitutional.
It’s clear that the Democrats are trying to do everything they can to make sure they win in 2024. They are going so far as to try and prevent Donald Trump from even appearing on the ballot in the primary and general elections.
Surely Barack Obama was expecting Jones to do everything he could to help the Democrats out in the state of Georgia even if it meant bending the rules in their favor.
But the Republicans in Georgia will be the ones carrying a significant leg up on their Democrat opponents this time around.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.