Biden had an unsettling mental episode in this live interview

America needs sharp and determined leadership. Biden is anything but that.

And now Biden had an unsettling mental episode in this live interview.

When it comes to being president, there are plenty of situations where shrewd leadership and charismatic tact are needed.

You could be tasked with helping to broker a deal between Democrats and Republicans in Congress.

You may need to stump for your political allies or excoriate your enemies.

But, most importantly, you represent America and her interests on the international stage.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden is so bad off that anytime he speaks, it’s an embarrassment that doesn’t make sense.

And he’s finally done it again.

President Joe Biden rambled to reporters on Air Force One late Wednesday night after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel in the aftermath of last weekend’s devastating Palestinian terrorist strikes.

A reporter asked Biden how meeting survivors and first responders on the trip affected him.

“Look, I spent an hour and a half about with the 17 or 18 before and–, I don’t know how to say this,” he said.

“Virtually every–, mass shooting–, every–, circumstance where large number of people have been victimized and lost, I’ve spoken with them.”

“I learned a long time ago, but you all learned in your life as well, when someone’s going through something that is beyond their comprehension — that they never thought they’d have to go through — if they see someone who they think understands or maybe been through something not the same but similar, it gives them some sense of hope,” he said.

“And I always get criticized sometimes by my staff because when I go to these events, I stay for three or four hours and answer all their questions, but it matters.”

“It matters a lot, and, uh, and look, I’m talking to some of you who have gone through a hell of a lot more than I’ve gone through and a lot more than other people have gone through,” he continued.

“But you understand. It’s just, it’s just people are looking for just something to grab, something that gives them some sense, a sense of hope. And that’s, and if I can do a little bit of that, then it’s, you know, worth doing.”

And this isn’t the first time he’s made the United States a laughing stock:

How sad…

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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