Biden humiliated himself with one braindead blunder

The President is pretty worse for wear. Every new detail seems to prove this fact.

And Biden just humiliated himself with another braindead blunder.

President Biden began his uncommon statement from the Oval Office by looking aimlessly at the camera, tripping over his words, and then appearing to read his teleprompter instructions.

The 80-year-old commander-in-chief squinted in the brightness of the lights as he gazed around, presumably ignorant that he was on live television.

Biden looked to read an autocue directive to “make it clear” at one point, similar to how he read out “repeat the line” in another address last year.

“We’ll have something that we do not seek — make it clear we do not seek — we do not seek to have American troops fighting in Russia,” he said.

Later, Biden stumbled and said, “You’ll all America,” before correcting himself and saying, “You’re all American.”

His apparent interpretation of his orders provoked internet mocking, with some posting the video with the caption: “Teleprompter- 1 Biden – Zero.”

“As Biden stumbles using a teleprompter just know this was the best take they could get out of him for an address to the nation. The very BEST take. Thank about that folks…,” tweeted Robby Starbuck, a filmmaker and aspiring politician in Tennessee.

The president spoke to the nation shortly after returning from a whirlwind journey to Israel, during the ongoing conflict between the Jewish state and the terror group Hamas, which launched its unprecedented attack on October 7.

He urged Congress to approve billions of dollars in extra assistance for Ukraine, saying “time is of the essence” to avoid wider wars in Europe and the Middle East.

Biden’s teleprompter failure is hardly his first.

Last year, Biden made a similar error in his opening remarks before signing an executive order to protect abortion rights in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

At one point, he paraphrased the majority judgment of the Supreme Court on the repeal of the federally guaranteed right to abortion.

“One of the most extraordinary parts of the decision in my view is the majority writes, and I quote, ‘Women … ’ — it’s a quote now, from the majority — ‘women are not without electoral or political power. It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who registered to vote and cast a ballot is consistently higher than the percentage of the men who do so.’ End of quote,” Biden said.

He then said, “Repeat the line” and quoted the opinion again.

Social media users mocked Biden, claiming that the phrases were intended to be instructions for him rather than words to be read out.

According to a White House spokesman, Biden planned to say “Let me repeat the line” during his speech.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk was among those who teased him, comparing the situation to the 2004 film “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy,” in which Will Ferrell’s character committed his own gaffe.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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