Biden’s leaked his 2024 playbook and now Democrats are panicking

The president needs a miracle if he wants a second term. But based on what he wants to do, he’ll be lucky to make it through his first.

Because Biden’s leaked his 2024 playbook and now Democrats are panicking.

Self-proclaimed Catholic President Joe Biden is using the killing of unborn children to propel his second presidential campaign ahead.

At his first campaign rally in Virginia on Tuesday, the 81-year-old Democrat president focused entirely on abortion and blamed former President Donald Trump for installing three Supreme Court justices who eventually helped to overturn Roe v. Wade, a 1973 decision which had invented the constitutional “right” to abortion.

In June 2022, the Supreme Court repealed Roe, returning the issue of abortion to the states.

“Let there be no mistake. The person most responsible for taking away this freedom in America is Donald Trump,” Biden said, according to the Hill.

“The reason women are being forced to travel across state lines for health care is Donald Trump,” he added. “The reason their fundamental right has been stripped away is Donald Trump.”

The Biden campaign “held the rally in Northern Virginia to highlight that in 2023, Democrats retained the Senate, flipped the state House blue, and’rejected’ Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R) attempt to impose abortion access restrictions.”

Biden won Virginia in 2020, defeating Trump, according to the report.

Biden was flanked by Vice President Kamala Harris and their spouses, and all four spoke in support of abortion in front of a giant banner reading “Restore Roe.”

“Donald Trump is betting we won’t vote on this issue … He’s betting you’re going to stop caring … that you’ll get distracted, discouraged and stay home,” Biden said. “Well guess what? I’m betting he’s wrong.”

The president also chastised “MAGA Republicans” in red states for passing legislation that limits or completely disallows abortion, and he called for Roe to be reinstated.

Biden’s campaign has previously stated that restoring Roe v. Wade would be his top priority if elected to a second term. Democrats have frequently attempted to pass the radical Women’s Health Protection Act, which they believe will restore Roe.

However, opponents of the bill, like Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), claim it is an “expansion” of Roe.

Still, “there is no path for such legislation with Republicans controlling the House and a narrow Democratic majority in the Senate,” the Wall Street Journal noted.

During the event, pro-Palestinian protesters asking for a cease-fire in Gaza stopped Biden multiple times; at one point, Biden responded by saying, “I’m sorry it’s taking so long,” according to the story.

The Biden administration is widely regarded as the most pro-abortion presidential administration in American history, implementing its abortion-on-demand agenda through executive orders, rule-making and guidance from unelected government bureaucrats, and various legal challenges across the country and around the globe.

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