China sends startling Trojan Horse to the U.S.

Joe Biden

China has been slowly but surely heating up their cold war against America. But it’s already worse than you could imagine.

Because China sent this startling Trojan Horse to the shores of the U.S.

The Chinese spy balloons have been a major talking point over the past several weeks, and Americans still don’t have all the answers they deserve.

Joe Biden and his White House tried to spin the Chinese spy balloons fiasco in their favor by saying that the Trump administration “missed” previous spy tech that was flown during his tenure in the White House and by arguing that it’s a “good thing” they found the spy balloons when they did.

However, the truth is that Donald Trump wasn’t briefed by intel agents from the Pentagon on the supposedly “missed” Chinese spy tech.

And a former CIA official also said that the Chinese spy balloons might have given China more intel on America’s defenses than they were previously able to get from their satellites.

But the spy balloons were just the beginning of Chinese infiltration of American borders. Now our shipping ports are vulnerable.

According to an exclusive Wall Street Journal report, an estimated 80% of America’s ship-to-shore cranes being used at America’s ports are made by a company called ZPMC.

ZPMC is a Chinese manufacturer and this has the Pentagon worried sick about whether the Chinese have plans to use these cranes as a Trojan horse against the U.S.

Normal cranes that don’t have any “smart” functionality aren’t a concern, of course, because they can’t be taken over by a simple internet connection.

But according to the Wall Street Journal, ZPMC has been working with Microsoft to bring their cranes up to speed to become “smart” and be able to be operated remotely from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

That includes controlling such cranes from China.

Furthermore, the cranes could be used to track data on shipping logistics that the cranes are being used for.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

While comparably well-made and inexpensive, they contain sophisticated sensors that can register and track the provenance and destination of containers, prompting concerns that China could capture information about materiel being shipped in or out of the country to support U.S. military operations around the world.

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