There’s no understating how big Election Day was. The Left is in freakout mode.
And CNN just suddenly exploded into the most insane Trump Derangement Syndrome meltdown on live TV.
When Barack Obama won in 2008, what did the Republicans and the Right do? They pretty much just got to work. They didn’t film themselves crying or go on cable news to have a psychological mental breakdown. What happened in 2012? Again, nothing much. The Right just got to work, and their work paid off in the 2014 midterm elections.
In 2016, what happened when Donald Trump won? The Left lost its mind. There’s countless videos of meltdowns from those on the Left who legitimately thought it was impossible that Americans would elect Donald Trump. They were so deluded by their echo chambers that when Donald Trump won, it broke their brains.
Then what happened in 2020? Well, the Left would have you believe the entire Republican Party and its supporters tried to usurp democracy on January 6, 2021, but the truth isn’t that spicy at all. Largely, Americans got on with their lives. The Trump voters didn’t lose their marbles like the Left would have you believe.
This year, the Left has truly lost it. Are you noticing the trend? There’s some people in the Democrat Party who are legitimately trying to look in the mirror and evaluate how they can do better to reach Americans in future elections. Those people deserve some credit. The problem is that the vast majority of Democrats seem to just be sinking into their chair of Trump Derangement Syndrome. That disease is taking them over.
Rather than acknowledging the fact that Democrats have pushed minority voters into the hands of Donald Trump with their identity politics games, they’re insisting from the rooftops that Donald Trump is a “r*cist” and a “s*xist” and that the voters must be too. That’s not really a way to convince them in the future to vote for you now is it?
CNN Leftist Loses It On Camera For All To See
An absolutely perfect example of this comes from CNN, where a panelist, Pete Dominick, just publicly lost his marbles on camera, acting as if there’s still a race to be won here. He insists that Joe Biden was a great President and that Kamala Harris should have won. He is clearly unable to cope with the fact that Donald Trump won in such a convincing fashion.
CNN’s Scott Jennings calmly dismantles him in the best way possible, eventually telling him that he needs to stop pretending like there’s still time to win the election. He reminds him that the “election is over” when Dominick is in the middle of his unhinged rant.
“If you look at the arc of the Biden presidency, he was in really good shape until August of 2021 when Afghanistan happened, he went under 40, [Vice President Kamala Harris] went under 40, and they really lived there until the end of the presidency,” CNN’s Scott Jennings said on the CNN panel about the turning point in Joe Biden’s administration.
“Why?” Dominick asked of Jennings. Mr. Jennings responded, “Because he ran in totals that the adults were back in charge and that was the opposite.” Pete Dominick then descended deeper into his Trump Derangement Syndrome disease. It completely took over.
“Yeah they were because President-elect Donald Trump is a child,” Dominick said to respond to Jennings. The two went back and forth, with Mr. Pete Dominick outright saying “Donald Trump hates veterans.” That was when Jennings had enough and slapped the CNN panelist with a harsh reality check.
“You are still campaigning,” Jennings calmly said to utterly dismantle Mr. Dominick. The whole exchange is honestly stunning and you can watch it all using the player below.
CNN Panelist’s TDS Goes off the Charts During Heated Debate With Scott Jennings
PETE DOMINICK: “Donald Trump hates veterans! He called them suckers and losers. He absolutely despises them.”
SCOTT JENNINGS: “I know you're super emotional.”
PETE DOMINICK: “Of course I am. I'm… pic.twitter.com/ry4mTeiauX
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) November 8, 2024
This is a prime example of just how torn up the Left is over Donald Trump winning yet again. This is likely worse than in 2016, because in 2016 they thought it was just a fluke that a political outsider beat their establishment candidate darling in Hillary Clinton.
In 2016, there were tears and wailing. This time, Donald Trump has legitimately broken the brains of the Leftists who have Trump Derangement Syndrome. They are unable to acknowledge reality. It’s honestly, sad when you think about it.
What will be interesting to watch is how the likes of CNN and MSNBC cover Donald Trump for the next four years. In 2016, they were quick to start drumming up nonsensical narratives about Russian collusion with Donald Trump, and they underdelivered.
Now their credibility is destroyed, but it’ll probably be tough to pass up on four more years of insane Trump Derangement farming that is sure to bring eyeballs back to the likes of CNN, which has been bleeding viewership since Trump originally left office.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.