It’s been a month since the Biden admin was hit with a massive drug scandal. Now we know who’s at fault.
And the culprit was exposed in this White House drug bust.
A package containing cocaine was discovered in the West Wing last month, and sources say it belonged to someone in the “Biden family orbit.”
According to Susan Katz Keating, the publisher of Soldier of Fortune, President Biden is aware of the identity of the guy in question.
Keating released her assessment on Sunday, drawing on information from three confidential security sources.
Despite the Secret Service’s announcement on July 13 that the investigation had been ended owing to a lack of actual evidence, authorities were able to follow leads that led to a name, according to Keating’s report.
They were confident in their results enough to brief the president.
One of Keating’s sources indicated, “If you want the name, ask Joe Biden. He knows who it is.”
Another clarified that the individual in question was connected to the Biden family circle but was not Hunter Biden, the president’s son, who has openly discussed his drug addiction struggles.
Keating took her query directly to the White House, texting a number apparently associated with President Biden, enquiring about the accuracy of the Secret Service’s reported discovery.
Her letter, however, was marked as “Not Delivered.” The New York Post texted the same number in a similar attempt and received an automatic answer pointing them to the Community chat platform.
President Biden joined the Community platform, which allows celebrities and ordinary people to communicate directly, in July. The platform was launched with a phone number in Delaware for Biden to engage with citizens about gun violence.
The authenticity of Keating’s story has yet to be confirmed by a third party, and neither the White House nor the Secret Service have commented on the topic.
A Secret Service agent recovered approximately one gram of cocaine in a storage box near the West Wing executive door on July 2 during a regular patrol.
This illegal drug was discovered just one level below the Oval Office and near to the Situation Room. Despite these discoveries, the Situation Room had been closed owing to ongoing repairs.
According to the Secret Service’s correspondence with lawmakers, there were no cameras in a good position to capture film of the individual responsible for the drug possession.
Is anyone surprised that they’ll never confirm or release a name?
It’s pretty obvious who brought the drug into the White House.
And it would be disastrous to let the truth get out. We’ll likely never know for sure.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.