The radical Left’s dark secrets are being exposed for everyone to see. There’s no telling just how many will be caught in the crossfire.
And Democrats are in a tailspin after the DOJ announced this bombshell investigation.
The Democrat Party has always cozied up to violent activists and rioters.
Back in 2020, major Democrat politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made excuses for Black Lives Matter rioters even as they destroyed American cities.
Dozens died, billions of dollars of property was damaged, and over ten thousand people were arrested, but Americans were told we just had to deal with it.
Flash forward to May and June of 2022, and Leftist activists were threatening to assassinate Supreme Court Justices and attack churches and pro-life centers should the Court overrule Roe v. Wade.
And since the Supreme Court did overrule the case, at least 98 Catholic churches and 77 pregnancy resource centers and other pro-life organizations have been attacked, according to CatholicVote trackers.
Vandals often spray paint the messages “if abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either” and autograph the destruction, “Jane’s Revenge.”
And after dragging their feet, the DOJ has finally said they will investigate the terrorism perpetrated by the Left.
The Justice Department informed Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy that it is investigating “multiple reports” of “potentially unlawful conduct” against pro-life pregnancy resource centers, according to a letter acquired by The Daily Signal.
The letter, which Roy’s office received on Tuesday, contains very little substantive information on the Justice Department’s investigations into the slew of attacks on pregnancy centers that have happened since the May release of the draft judgment indicating Roe v. Wade will be overturned.
Roy told The Daily Signal that he was frustrated that the Justice Department’s response dodged his specific concerns about both the dramatic FBI arrest of Catholic father Mark Houck and the surge of attacks on pregnancy centers.
“The Biden DOJ’s refusal to respond to any of our questions or document requests is unacceptable,” Roy said in a Tuesday statement.
“I will not stop seeking answers. Republicans should remember this when it comes time to fund DOJ’s programs and when we hold subpoena power. They will cooperate or they should be held accountable.”
In response to the congressman’s numerous requests for clarification, Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legislative Affairs Carlos Uriarte stated that the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act protects “all patients, providers, and facilities that provide reproductive health services, including pro-life pregnancy counseling services and any other pregnancy support facility providing reproductive health care.”
“The FACE Act also protects individuals exercising their First Amendment right of religious freedom and places of religious worship,” Uriarte added.
“Working with state and local law enforcement partners, the Department will investigate and, where supported by the facts and the law, prosecute the use of force, threats of force, or obstruction intended to interfere with reproductive health care or religious worship, regardless of the type of service or worship at issue.”
Since the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Justice Department has received “multiple reports” of “potentially unlawful conduct” against pregnancy centers, personnel, and patients, according to the DOJ statement.
“Federal authorities are investigating these reported incidents and are working to identify the perpetrators,” he noted.
“As in every investigation, the Department will follow the facts and the law wherever they lead and will take appropriate action at the conclusion of these ongoing investigations, which may include prosecution under the FACE Act.”
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal for updates on this developing story.