During his four years in office, Donald Trump turned a ton of heads for breaking the status quo. He drove the political establishment crazy.
But Donald Trump got the last laugh after a major Democrat admitted he was right all along.
Ever since Donald Trump won the 2016 election, the Democrats have shifted their message on immigration hard to the far-left.
They now proclaim that there’s no such thing as illegal immigrants and because, in their eyes, they never broke a law.
That’s blatantly untrue, but that doesn’t stop them from claiming it.
Even inner city Democrats thousands of miles from the southern border play this virtue signaling game as well.
One such Democrat is none other than Chicago’s mayor Lori Lightfoot.
She’s said for years now that everyone, regardless of legal immigration status, is welcome in Chicago.
So Texas Governor Greg Abbott took her up on that since Texans need help taking the brunt of the ongoing southern border crisis.
He recently bussed migrants to Chicago where they would be apparently welcomed.
But as anyone could have predicted, Lori Lightfoot quickly changed her tune.
She’s reportedly bussed half of those migrants to a Hampton Inn in Burr Ridge, a Republican suburban area, to keep them there for the next month.
Fox News reports:
The Republican mayor of a suburban Chicago town is calling out Windy City Mayor Lori Lightfoot after over 60 migrants were shipped to his town and dropped off at a local hotel.
After being bussed from Texas, 147 migrants arrived in Chicago on Wednesday, according to FOX 32. Sixty-four of those migrants were then taken to a Hampton Inn hotel in Burr Ridge, which is outside of Chicago, where they will be for at least the next 27 days.
This is not a surprise.
Democrats want to play the virtue signaling game by saying everyone is welcome in their Democrat utopias.
They have to give lip service to their radical Leftist base or they will be committing political suicide.
But when the rubber hits the road, they realize not everything is all sunshine and rainbows when it comes to actually dealing with the issue of immigration.
Donald Trump saw this a million miles away.
He regularly called out major Democrats for their hypocrisy on the issue of immigration, saying they would not be singing the same tune if they were in the shoes of Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
This time, Donald Trump is getting the last laugh.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.