Donald Trump is hit with tragic news about his court case

Democrats want to put Trump behind bars forever. They might just get their wish.

And Donald Trump is hit with tragic news about his court case.

The Left is terrified at the idea of another Trump presidency.

That’s why they’re actively looking for ways to knock him out of the 2024 presidential race.

And it’s also why some of them want worse things to happen to the former president then simply losing an election.

A new Rasmussen poll was released on Wednesday that shows 20 percent of Democrats desire for Trump to be executed, exiled, or put in prison for life if he is found guilty for his alleged involvement in attempting to overthrow the 2020 election.

72 percent of the 1,085 Democrat voters who were polled, say that Trump is indeed guilty in the 2020 election case.

12 percent believe that he should go to jail for life if he’s convicted.

4 percent want Trump to be exiled and 2 percent are in favor of him being executed.

Obviously this poll sparked some real worry about how insane the Left can be when it comes to punishing their political enemies.

“If we needed any more evidence of the political left’s troubling descent into authoritarianism, this poll provides it in spades,” Jack McPherrin of the Heartland Institute said to Rasmussen.

“The number of Americans – especially Democrats – who already presume Trump’s guilt is already highly concerning,” he continued.

“And, if he’s found guilty, more than three-quarters of Democrats believe he should be banned from public office, with approximately one-fifth opting to jail him for life, put him permanently in exile, or execute him.”

Democrats don’t stop at just Trump. They also want media members to be punished for their role in alleging that the 2020 election results were illegitimate.

“Forty-eight percent (48%) of all likely voters say that, if Trump is found guilty of crimes associated with attempting to overturn the 2020 election, members of the media who also alleged that fraud tainted the election results should also be criminally punished,” according to

“Among voters who think the media members who cast doubt on the 2020 election should be punished, 32% believe the punishment should be a fine, 23% support banning them from public speaking, 16% want them sent to prison, while 18% say they should get both a prison sentence and a ban on public speaking.”

The Left is still very angry with Trump’s actions regarding his belief that the 2020 election was stolen.

And that’s causing them to suggest some rather draconian punishments including the death penalty.

But in light of this, Democrats will continue to insist that Donald Trump and Republicans are the party of authoritarianism while they are the party for freedom.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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