Former President Trump has had a strange history with Ron DeSantis. That’s why this news is so odd.
Because Donald Trump just received a truly strange letter from the Ron DeSantis administration.
When Ron DeSantis was still running for president in the GOP primary, Donald Trump wasn’t exactly all that kind to the Florida Governor who was trying to realize a new wave of conservatism in the Republican Party.
Some of Donald Trump’s supporters weren’t fond of the way the former president harshly criticized the rising star Ron DeSantis, while others were in agreement with Trump that DeSantis was disloyal.
In any case, since then, the relationship between the two has certainly cooled. Ron DeSantis has been very vocal in his endorsement for Donald Trump for president and the two have met on several occasions to discuss strategy.
Now Ron DeSantis and his Florida state administration are giving Donald Trump another helping hand that truly no one saw coming, especially not Trump and his team.
The state treasurer in Florida reached out to former President Trump, suggesting he reclaim around $54,000 through the state’s unclaimed property program to aid in defending against what he described as “very, very nasty people.”
In a letter addressed to Trump, Florida’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jimmy Patronis expressed pride in hosting several Trump properties in the state and acknowledged Trump as a resident. Patronis commended Trump’s attention to customer service during his time as a small business owner.
“As Florida’s Chief Financial Officer and a former small business owner, I understand how important it is to live and work in a state that supports private industry and provides opportunities for businesses to grow and thrive,” the letter began.
Having conducted a search in the state’s unclaimed property program’s database, Patronis identified assets that Trump, his family, or his businesses could reclaim. He encouraged Trump to seize this opportunity to bolster his legal defense in the numerous ongoing court cases.
“In Florida, we have a unique unclaimed property program that is designed to return lost or unknown financial assets back to the original owners,” he went on to add in his letter addressed directly to President Trump.
Patronis, a non-partisan elected state official, criticized the prosecutions against Trump and offered personal assistance in processing unclaimed property requests through the fltreasurehunt.gov portal.
Addressing Trump’s legal battles, Patronis emphasized the significance of every dollar in combating what he described as radical state attorneys who have weaponized the courts. He urged Trump to utilize all available resources to navigate the legal challenges and return to his mission of “Making America Great Again.”
“We need you and your team to have every resource possible to get through these BS charges so you can get back to work in Making America Great Again!” Patronis claims in his letter to Trump.
Explaining the concept of unclaimed property as financial assets that are lost, inactive, or abandoned, Patronis cited examples like dormant bank accounts or stocks. Typically, these assets are held by disbursing entities for a period before being transferred to the state.
Expressing gratitude for Trump’s contributions to Florida and the nation, Patronis concluded the letter with a hope for a response from the former president on the matter.
Donald Trump has certainly been steeped in a whole host of legal cases that are draining his resources left and right. The former president has been forced to move funds that he’d normally use for his re-election campaign towards his legal defense.
So every amount will help Donald Trump stay afloat with enough resources to defend himself in the court systems and still take on the incumbent President Joe Biden for a rematch this November.
On that front, Donald Trump is doing extremely well with many political experts saying all the surveys suggest if the election were held today, Trump would win in a landslide victory over Joe Biden.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.