Donald Trump sent Joe Biden an offer that has the White House panicking

Joe Biden has had a rough go of it lately. But that’s only getting worse after what Trump just announced.

Because Donald Trump sent Joe Biden an offer that has the entire White House panicking.

One aspect of the Biden administration’s tenure so far that the Big Media outlets don’t like to talk about is the way his foreign policy failures have made the outlook of Americans being held hostage around the world much worse.

It’s not as though there’s only been holdovers from previous years either. On Joe Biden’s watch, a number of Americans have been captured by foreign enemies, tortured, and told they will never make it back to America to see their family and loved ones. The most “notable” effort Joe Biden’s made on this front has been securing the freedom of a WNBA player who actually did commit a crime in Russia with illegal drug possession. So what did Joe Biden do? Give up a known, dangerous Russian arms dealer in exchange of course.

According to the most recent intelligence reports, on October 7th Hamas took about a dozen Americans hostage among the 138 hostages they took on the day of their terrorist attack on Israel. This includes 12 Americans, 12 Germans, 6 Russians, 6 French, 54 Thais, and 15 Argentinians, as well as dozens of Israelis.

Unfortunately, many high-profile politicians believe that most of the hostages who haven’t been released already are likely dead. Whatever edge Joe Biden and everyone else involved had against Hamas is now gone, frankly.

This utter failure to actually bring peace and stability for Americans around the world has fanned the flames of ire for those on the political Left and Right. Those who previously voted for Joe Biden in 2020 are questioning whether he can be trusted with another four years in office.

Donald Trump recently weighed in on one of the hostage situations that Joe Biden has been failing to help, specifically that of the American hostage in Russia, Evan Gershkovich. Gershkovich was captured and imprisoned by Russia in March of 2023 on phony charges of espionage. Since then, Gershkovich has been lamenting his situation and has said he is growing tired of the lip service of the Biden administration.

In a recent interview published by Time Magazine, former President Donald Trump voiced his call for the release of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who has been held in Russia for over a year.

Gershkovich was arrested on March 30, 2023, on charges of espionage leveled by Russia’s Federal Security Service, alleging collaboration with the U.S. government. Despite President Joe Biden’s prior attempts to secure Gershkovich’s release proving fruitless, Trump asserted his commitment to securing the journalist’s freedom should he be reelected.

Trump admitted to not previously advocating for Gershkovich’s release due to his busy schedule but praised the reporter’s courage and pledged to raise the issue with Russia. When pressed by Time Magazine during the interview, Trump promptly expressed his support for Gershkovich’s release. He even said he could do it in a heartbeat with just a couple phone calls.

“I’ll call for it right now in your story if you’d like,” Donald Trump said when pressed about releasing Evan Gershkovich.

Drawing a distinction between his approach and Biden’s, Trump confidently asserted that he would succeed in securing Gershkovich’s release, criticizing Biden’s handling of Russian President Vladimir Putin and attributing fault to him for the conflict in Ukraine.

Referring to a prior interview where Putin hinted at reciprocal actions regarding Gershkovich’s release, Trump highlighted his rapport with the Russian leader and expressed confidence in his ability to facilitate the journalist’s freedom.

“And here’s a difference between me and Biden: I’ll get him released. He’ll be released. Putin is going to release him,” Trump went on to say. “I get along very well with Putin, but the reporter should be released and he will be released,” the former President declared. “I don’t know if he’s going to be released under Biden.”

As Trump maintains a slight lead over Biden in polling averages, he criticized the president’s performance, particularly in dealing with critical issues and demographics, while expressing surprise at the lack of progress in Gershkovich’s release under Biden’s administration.

Emphasizing his determination to secure Gershkovich’s release, Trump underscored his commitment to achieving this outcome, even if it necessitates action upon his return to office.

“I’m surprised that Biden. Well, I’m not surprised with anything with Biden. But I think it’s a terrible precedent,” Mr. Trump concluded. “And I’m very surprised that he hasn’t been released, but I will get him released, if he’s not released by the time we get to office.”

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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