FBI sounds the alarm of an imminent attack on America

This country is getting more and more dangerous under Biden. Now it’s all coming to a head.

And the FBI just sounded the alarm of an imminent attack on America.

The FBI and Homeland Security issued a warning about the likelihood of “lone actor violence” targeting holiday parties and other events as a result of tensions from the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Following similar warnings in October, the federal agencies, along with the National Counterterrorism Center, published a public service announcement Tuesday concerning the increased possibility of violence this winter.

While the notice was not in response to a specific plan on the authorities’ radar, it was issued because “various foreign terrorist media organizations have called for lone actor attacks in the US,” according to the agencies.

Holidays, New Year’s Eve gatherings, and public protests, according to the FBI and DHS, “remain attractive” to those intending to inflict mayhem.

“Such gatherings could become a convenient target for those inspired to commit violence against Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Arab communities,” the memo states.

“Hate crime perpetrators have also played a role in violence and threats of violence.”

According to the agencies, the United States has seen a “spike” in hate crimes and other forms of violence after the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack, which killed 1,200 Israelis and prompted the Jewish state to launch a war campaign in Gaza.

The feds also reported an upsurge in hoax bomb and active shooter threats against synagogues.

“Calls for violence may increase in the days leading up to the holidays and before other notable events this winter,” the announcement states.

“Factors that could further exacerbate the threat of violence include escalations in the conflict between Israel and HAMAS and notable instances of violence in the Homeland inspiring copycat or retaliatory attacks.”

“We therefore urge everyone to remain vigilant and to report any threats of violence or suspicious activity to law enforcement.”

Thanks to Joe Biden, millions upon millions of illegal immigrants have come into this country.

And with them, have come many suspected terrorists.

In fact, 160 people on the terror watch list have been stopped at the border just this year.

There were another 100 in 2022.

Is this the type of America you want to live in?

One where you have to look over your shoulder because of terrorists let in by your president?

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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