Donald Trump is no stranger to deep state actors trying to usurp him. Now they’re back with a vengeance.
And this federal prosecutor has released an extremely disturbing video about Trump.
Trump Derangement Syndrome should probably be added to a medical encyclopedia at this point because there are some individuals who just cannot seem to get past the idea that their life will go on if Donald Trump is President. The Left’s reaction after Donald Trump’s first win was bad enough. Now it’s even more unhinged than ever before.
Donald Trump is getting everything he wanted and everything that the Left has told him that he would not get. They said in 2016 he would never become President, and he did. They said after he left office in January of 2021 that he would never hold office again, and he will. They said he would be put behind bars from their legal warfare against him, and he won’t.
The legal warfare against Donald Trump was supposed to be the clincher for anyone running against Donald Trump in the 2024 election cycle, but it backfired tremendously. It only made Donald Trump stronger and helped his case that they are unfairly targeting him.
In the aftermath of all this, the Trump haters are losing their minds and they don’t know what to do with themselves. The Left and the “Never Trumpers” are collectively having a moment of denialism that their prime enemy Donald Trump is on top again.
Former Federal Prosecutor’s Obsession with Trump On Full Display
Former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner has once again made headlines with his outspoken condemnation of Donald Trump’s legal challenges, offering a passionate and overblown response to recent delays in Trump’s sentencing. Kirschner’s frustration boiled over when Manhattan prosecutors filed a motion on Tuesday to support further delays in Trump’s sentencing for his conviction in New York, suggesting that his legal troubles could be paused during his presidency.
Rather than acknowledging the legal complexities involved, Kirschner quickly blamed the Supreme Court, accusing the justices of enabling Trump to avoid accountability. “They are why the rule of law is failing,” he said, placing the blame squarely on the judiciary for allowing Trump to escape consequences. His response to these developments seemed more about venting personal frustration than about addressing the nuances of the legal system or the realities of presidential immunity.
In an emotional tirade on his YouTube channel, Kirschner declared, “I got to be honest, I am one p*ssed off prosecutor. I am one angry American,” a statement that reflects his personal animus toward the former president rather than an objective assessment of the legal process. Rather than accepting that legal proceedings can be complicated, particularly with the unprecedented situation of a president-elect facing criminal charges, Kirschner’s rhetoric paints a picture of a system completely broken by political maneuvering.
He accused the Supreme Court justices of intentionally distorting the law, claiming they “violate the plain language and meaning of the Constitution” in order to protect Trump. Of course, he has no evidence of this at all. The U.S. Supreme Court often faces criticism from those on the Left without any evidence of unethical behavior from the High Court.
Yet, Kirschner’s insistence that the legal system is failing due to these delays overlooks the fact that Trump’s legal troubles are still ongoing. The suggestion that the rule of law is being undermined simply because Trump has not been immediately punished reflects a one-sided and hyperbolic interpretation of the situation. His comments such as “this bullsh*t is directly attributable to the Supreme Court” and “we are becoming a lawless country” verge on melodrama rather than reasoned legal analysis.
What Kirschner fails to address is the underlying legal reality: the delays in Trump’s case stem from the unique legal status of a sitting president. The Manhattan prosecutors have recognized the unprecedented nature of prosecuting a president and, in light of this, have suggested delays in legal proceedings until Trump’s presidency ends. In their filing, they acknowledged the complexities of the situation and emphasized that no current law explicitly calls for the dismissal of post-trial proceedings based on the idea of presidential immunity. Kirschner, however, seems intent on framing the delays as evidence of a failure of the legal system, rather than recognizing the nuanced and careful legal process at play.
Moreover, Kirschner’s continued calls for Trump to be imprisoned ahead of the election reflect an obsession with Trump that borders on irrational. In August, he argued that Trump “so richly deserves” to be behind bars before the election, an inflammatory statement that disregarded both legal procedures and the presumption of innocence.
His frustration seemed to stem not from a concern for justice, but from his personal disdain for the former president. The fact that Trump did not face immediate criminal consequences led Kirschner to make statements like, “It breaks my heart to say this, but in some ways, we are becoming a lawless country.” This rhetoric seems more motivated by a desire for retribution than by a genuine concern for the rule of law.
In reality, the legal system is working through complex and unprecedented issues surrounding Trump’s status as a president-elect. The delays in his legal proceedings are not signs of corruption or failure, as Kirschner suggests, but rather a reflection of the unique legal questions raised by Trump’s election. Yet, rather than recognizing this, Kirschner has continued to frame the situation as an example of lawlessness, perpetuating a narrative that the system is broken and that Trump is somehow above the law.
Kirschner’s rhetoric serves more to amplify his personal animosity toward Trump than to offer a reasoned critique of the legal system. His emotional outbursts and hyperbolic language only serve to distort the real issues at play in Trump’s legal challenges. Rather than acknowledging the intricacies of legal immunity and the respect for due process, Kirschner has chosen to make Trump’s legal case into a symbol of what he perceives as a broader breakdown of law and order.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.