Hillary Clinton exposes one secret Joe Biden doesn’t want you to know

The Clintons and Bidens have had a shaky relationship for years. Now she’s turning on him.

And Hillary Clinton exposed one secret Joe Biden doesn’t want you to know.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton defended her comment on President Biden’s 81 years on Wednesday, saying that longevity is a result of chance and that the age gap between Mr. Biden and former President Donald Trump, who is 77, is small.

“When you’re fortunate enough to live into your 70s or 80s, a few years’ difference is hardly significant,” Mrs. Clinton wrote on Instagram.

“Joe Biden and Donald Trump are effectively the same age, and with this in mind, I support Biden. What about you?”

Her statement came the day after she claimed the president is “old.”

Mrs. Clinton, 76, addressed Mr. Biden’s age directly in her original statement, urging the people to acknowledge his seniority and endorsing him as the protector of democracy against Mr. Trump.

On a radio show with host Zerlina Maxwell, the former first lady relayed a recent conversation, saying, “Someone said to me, ‘Joe Biden is old.’ And I responded, ‘Yes, Joe Biden is old. Accepting that fact, Joe Biden is old.’”

She went on to describe a stark choice: “We have one candidate who, though old, has performed effectively and safeguards our democracy, and another who, also old, often struggles to articulate, poses a danger and threatens our democratic fabric.”

While Mrs. Clinton downplays the age factor in the 2024 election, polls show that respondents are concerned about its impact on Mr. Biden’s capacity to serve another term.

According to the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, roughly 60% of voters question Mr. Biden’s cognitive ability to serve successfully.

And a majority of voters don’t think President Biden is fit to serve another term due to his age, a Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday found.

The poll found that a whopping 67% of those surveyed said they think Biden is too old to effectively serve another 4-year term as president.

Meanwhile, only 41% said they think the same about Trump.

And this is a poll with only 576 Republican and Republican leaning voters compared to 624 Democratic and Democratic leaning voters.

The issue the Democrat pollsters don’t understand is that it isn’t Biden’s age.

Trump is nearly the same age, and plenty in Congress are near the same age or older.

The problem is that Biden is off his rocker.

It’s a brain issue, not an age issue.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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