Humiliating video of Democrat Senator surfaces and now Capitol Hill is in chaos

In the age of social media, mistakes and mishaps are forever. This Democrat is learning that the hard way.

And a humiliating video of this Democrat Senator surfaced and now Capitol Hill is in chaos.

Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) lamented the caliber of Republicans who surround him in Congress on Wednesday, noting that “America is not sending their best and brightest, you know, to Washington, DC.”

Fetterman made the heartbreaking admission during an interview with Stephen Colbert after being congratulated on his “excellent meme game” during an episode of The Late Show.

Colbert questioned Fetterman if it was strange to see folks he’d “put up a devastating meme about” around the Capitol.

“You all should need to know that America is not sending their best and brightest to Washington, DC,” replied Fetterman.

“Like, sometimes you literally just can’t believe these people are making the decisions that are determining the government here, it’s actually scary too,” he continued, pointing at how the federal government came this close to shutting down.

“You have some very less gifted kinds of people there that are willing to shut down the government just to score points on Fox,” he added.

Fetterman’s lack of irony in giving his severe evaluation of Republicans conveniently disregarded his own gaffes, which ranged from his personal attire to his inability to answer even the most basic job-related questions.

It also elicited a reaction from others on social media.

Critics have grounds to question Fetterman’s lack of self-awareness.

According to Breitbart News, Fetterman, who prefers gym shorts and sweatshirts to the formal business dress normally needed in the chamber, hailed the idea of being able to wear his preferred informal gear at work last month.

A reporter ran across Fetterman in a Capitol hallway just after McCarthy launched the formal impeachment inquiry into President Biden, dressed in a short-sleeve button-down shirt and sports shorts.

“Oh my god, really?” Fetterman said sarcastically of the news as he jumped back and put his hands on his head to convey an insincere disbelief. “Oh my gosh, you know. It’s devastating,” he laughed before wiggling his arms and fingers while saying, “Ooh, don’t do it. Oh no, oh no.”

During the exchange, Fetterman’s aide appeared uneasy and rushed the senator away, telling reporters, “We need to run back to the office.”

This country’s legislature is becoming a joke.

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