Hunter Biden signed one document that has him dead to rights

The truth about Hunter Biden has been leaking out for years. But the president’s son is still denying the facts.

And Hunter Biden just got blindsided by his own signature that has him dead to rights.

Although Hunter Biden stated that he would never have left his laptop at a local computer repair shop in Delaware, official paperwork showing his signature seems to disprove this assertion.

During his interview with members of the House Judiciary and Oversight and Accountability Committees on Wednesday, Hunter Biden, the first son, explained that he would have taken his destroyed computer to an ordinary Apple store for servicing when questioned by Republican Florida Representative Matt Gaetz. But a receipt from the tiny Delaware repair shop The Mac Shop, which in 2019 gave the FBI access to the laptop, has an autograph that looks like Hunter Biden’s signature on other documents that have been found.

According to a receipt that was initially acquired and reported by the New York Post, Hunter Biden was charged $85 by the Mac Store for the maintenance that was done on his laptop. Oneida Holdings LLC was formed in 2017 to enable transactions between Hunter Biden, American partners, and Chinese connections. The signature on that document appears extremely similar to the one Hunter Biden attached to a commercial agreement connected to that firm.

According to Wayne A. Barnes, a retired former FBI counterintelligence agent with a wealth of experience in signature analysis, who spoke with Just The News earlier, the signature on the laptop repair receipt is identical to another record signed by Hunter Biden.

“Did you ever drop off a laptop at a repair shop?” House Republican Matt Gaetz asked Mr. Hunter Biden in the interview.

“I dropped a laptop off at the Apple repair shop that was literally three blocks from my office in Washington, D.C. If I was ever going to repair one, I would have walked up the street and dropped it there,” Hunter Biden responded, explaining that he was referring to “the Apple store in Georgetown.”

“My question is about Delaware. Did you ever drop off a laptop in Delaware?” Gaetz subsequently inquired.

“The largest Apple store in America is the — the highest grossing and largest Apple store in America is at the Christiana Mall. If I was going to drop off a laptop, I don’t ever remember doing that, but if I was going to drop off a laptop, I would have gone to the Apple store, which was seven minutes from my parents’ home there,” Hunter replied to Mr. Gaetz.

Hunter Biden continued by saying he doesn’t remember ever leaving his laptop at a repair shop in Delaware. He then claimed that the laptop had archived some false material, including what he claimed was a fake dialogue between himself and a Secret Service agent in a hotel in Los Angeles.

Regarding his laptop, Hunter Biden said to the congressmen, “There are many different things in there that are either — that are either fabricated, hacked, stolen or manipulated 100%.”

Although the laptop’s data has been confirmed as legitimate by the DOJ, who have asserted in court documents that Hunter Biden did, in fact, leave his laptop at The Mac Shop, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley provided testimony in May 2023 that the FBI had known the data to be authentic since at least November 2019.

Social media firms essentially censored the New York Post’s first 2020 report after the FBI warned them that the laptop data may be a foreign influence campaign. An open letter was signed by fifty-one former U.S. intelligence officers, who all agreed that the laptop and its contents were fake and might have been a Russian intelligence operation.

Of course, it is well known today that they were all wrong. Convenient for the Biden family isn’t it?

According to Poynter’s Kelly McBride’s NPR Public Editor newsletter, a senior NPR editor stated that the station would not be covering the laptop story in the run-up to the presidential election in 2020 because it “[did not] want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.”

Hunter Biden claimed to legislators in his deposition that he was paid generously by the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma to make the company seem more “Western-looking” and that he forgot details of his business activities on at least 29 separate instances.

It’s hard to imagine that there was zero impact on the 2020 presidential election because of the convenience the Biden family had in not having to deal with Hunter Biden’s dirty laundry being aired out all over the news right before the election took place.

Major families in politics face downfalls all the time because Americans find out how corrupt some of the family members may truly be. The Leftist talking point that Hunter Biden’s business has nothing to do with Joe Biden is nonsense.

Even if you ignore all the evidence that suggests Joe Biden has been involved in some of the corrupt business dealings of his son Hunter, the fact remains that a significant portion of Americans would’ve been appalled to learn about Hunter Biden’s laptop before they went to cast their vote in the 2020 election.

It’s ironic, then, that the Left loves to harp on about the supposed attempts of Donald Trump to overturn the results of the 2020 election. Who really interfered that year? We’ll leave that up to you to decide.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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