Joe Biden made history with his late withdrawal from the 2024 race. Americans have many questions.
And now an insider revealed a disturbing secret straight from the White House.
With President Biden’s time in office ticking down to its final days, insiders across the political spectrum predict the next six months will be marked by inactivity and a sense of stagnation.
Biden abruptly halted his 2024 re-election campaign on Sunday, citing that it was “in the best interests of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.”
The president’s decision, paired with his “full support and endorsement” for Vice President Harris as the Democratic nominee, has left many Americans and pundits skeptical about what, if any, substantive actions Biden will take in his remaining time.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard summed up the prevailing sentiment, arguing that Biden “hasn’t been the one making decisions” from the start.
“Clearly, President Biden hasn’t been the one making decisions on our country’s domestic and foreign policy for the last three and a half years,” Gabbard pointed out.
She emphasized that the same “unelected people” who have been pulling the strings will continue to do so, whether under Biden or Harris.
“The people who’ve been actually running the country are the unelected power elite from the administrative state, national security state, and military-industrial complex working hand-in-glove with the propaganda media acting as their agents,” she asserted.
“Their goal is to remain in power at any and all costs, and [they] have already shown they are willing to do whatever it takes to defeat and destroy [former President] Donald Trump, as he is the greatest threat to their power.”
Biden’s surprise announcement follows growing pressure from Democratic lawmakers and party leadership, who have been urging the 81-year-old president to step aside, recognizing his diminishing chances against Trump in the upcoming election.
Julian Epstein, a former chief counsel to Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, conveyed a bleak outlook for Biden’s remaining months, telling Fox News Digital that there’s “almost nothing” Biden can achieve before his term ends.
“There is almost nothing that Biden can achieve in the next six months, other than treading water and maintaining the status quo,” he said.
“If the White House were smart, it would double down on its support for Israel and make clear that the Democrats understand moral clarity on fighting what is in effect the Ku Klux Klan on the banks of the Mediterranean.”
Ned Ryun, CEO and founder of American Majority, echoed this sentiment, stating that Biden’s potential for accomplishment is nonexistent as the focus shifts to Harris’ campaign.
“First, there’s no way anyone on either side of the aisle would want to push the envelope as they have their own re-elections to worry about,” Ryun explained.
“[Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer would never let anything overtly problematic come to the floor in the Senate because it’s a terrible map already; he doesn’t need to make it even harder for them to try and hold majority.”
“So Biden will achieve precisely nothing, except via executive orders, as he’s beyond a lame-duck president and shouldn’t even still be in office,” he added.
Throughout his presidency, Biden has signed 140 executive orders, 196 presidential memoranda, 634 proclamations, and 133 notices. Post-announcement, Biden’s calendar has been conspicuously devoid of campaign events and speeches.
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted on Wednesday that Biden aims to finish his term strong, stating, “We don’t see ourselves as a lame-duck president at all in this period of time.”
“This is a president that has been incredibly successful, and he’s going to do everything that he can to continue to fight for the American people,” she assured reporters.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.