President Biden’s gaffes are endless. But this is more than just a gaffe.
As Joe Biden just confused the entire nation with one comment during a speech at a major event.
President Biden’s had a serious messaging problem during his entire time in the White House thus far. What he says, what his admin officials say, what his advisors say, what federal agency heads nominated by Biden say, all often vary in more ways than one. The story is never straight.
Not even the far-Left media talking heads throughout CNN, MSNBC, or ABC were able to defend Joe Biden during the Afghanistan pullout disaster, for example. The signals were crossed right from the beginning, and that eroded American trust in Joe Biden’s ability to lead the nation.
That was the first major hole discovered in Joe Biden’s armor back in the summer of 2021. His favorability dropped like a fifty pound weight from a ten-story building almost immediately after the news broke of the Afghanistan debacle.
Joe Biden has another “Afghanistan” on his hands. The issue for Biden is also in the Middle East. That is, of course, the renewed conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Since the October 7th attack from radical terrorists in Hamas on innocent Israelis, the conflict between Israel and Hamas has dominated much of the international news stories being covered by outlets throughout the west.
Naturally, the response from the U.S. is an important one since the United States is the biggest ally of Israel. In reverse, Israel is one of the top allies of the United States as well.
Joe Biden’s response has been, well, interesting to say the least. At best he’s confusing Americans and Israel with his flip-flopping comments and at worst he’s deliberately misleading everyone to try and play the political fiddle.
Right after the attack in October, the Biden administration was quite clear that they support Israel to go after Hamas and make them pay for their crimes against humanity. But that sentiment didn’t last all too long.
Just a couple months later Joe Biden was reportedly sharing with insiders within his administration that he was growing annoyed with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Some outlets were reporting that Biden was going on swear-laced tirades about how much he didn’t like Netanyahu.
This change in sentiment was largely driven by Joe Biden and the Democrats sensing their voting base was having no stomach for supporting Israel at all. Within just a few days after the October 7th attack, Leftist activists were all over the United States protesting Israel when they had yet to even respond. They were blaming Israel from the beginning for the October 7th attack.
Over time, those “progressive” voices grew louder and louder and eventually Joe Biden hit Israel with the infamous “red line” threat when he said Israel entering the region of Rafah was a “red line” he didn’t want them to cross. What he meant by that was anyone’s guess and you’ll hear a dozen different opinions from within the Biden regime itself.
At a recent fundraising event alongside Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Joe Biden touched on the Israel-Hamas conflict. This piqued everyone’s interest. So what did Biden say this time? Well, apparently he’s back on the side of Israel.
Joe Biden, at the event sitting next to Obama and Clinton, said it is “understandable Israel has such a profound anger and Hamas is still there. You can’t forget that Israel is in a position where its very existence is at stake.”
How interesting. He even went on to emphasize that what happened on October 7th wasn’t just any normal attack. Biden called it a “massacre.”
“They weren’t killed. They were massacred,” President Biden added at the New York event.
That’s going to get Joe Biden in massive trouble with his own voting base and at a time when he can’t afford alienating the Leftist base any more during this election year.
The funny part is that Joe Biden is right that Israel has a right to eliminate Hamas entirely in defense. He’s right that it wasn’t just a standard “killing”. Yes, it was a massacre. If there was a surprise attack on American soil, there would be h*ll to pay. Isn’t that what the U.S. response to 9/11 was?
The hilarious part is that Joe Biden’s own base doesn’t want to hear these facts. Take a look at the battleground state of Michigan, where Biden’s 2020 voters are in droves saying that they won’t be voting for Joe Biden under any circumstances because of his support for Israel in their conflict with Hamas.
New political organizations are being created in Michigan by Muslim voters, who Joe Biden and the Democrats are trying to be the white-knight saviors for, that are trying to encourage all of Biden’s voters to vote for anyone else other than for Democrats in 2024.
This issue is proving to be extremely sticky and sensitive for the entire political Left in America, and Joe Biden doesn’t know how to navigate it at all. His attempts to play the political fiddle are failing as everyone on both the Right and the Left can see right through the games.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.