The Biden train has been derailing for months now. His traitorous ways are being found out.
And Joe Biden could go to prison for this one move he’s made.
The Biden administration’s handling of the Chinese spy balloons has been appalling to most Americans who are concerned about the rise of the Chinese communist state.
Chuck Schumer indicated on live TV that the Chinese may have been getting spy data on Americans even before the Chinese spy balloon fiasco.
Now there’s been unidentified objects being shot down throughout the United States that have Americans worried sick about the security of our great nation.
While Kamala Harris insists that our relations with China remain the same, that’s simply not true. China isn’t exactly fond of the Biden administration right now.
China has already threatened the Biden administration over the United States’ support of Taiwan, and the Biden administration has flip flopped on that issue more than Mitt Romney did on every issue in the 2012 presidential election.
In fact, China has also accused Joe Biden of potential crimes that could see him go to prison for a long time.
Recently, China accused Joe Biden of flying balloons through the Chinese airspace “more than 10 times,” according to a Wall Street Journal article.
The Wall Street Journal writes:
Earlier Monday, China alleged that the U.S. had flown high-altitude balloons over its airspace more than 10 times since the start of 2022, adding fuel to an escalating diplomatic standoff between the countries that has derailed efforts to reset relations.
The Chinese spokesperson Wang Wenbin implied that the Biden admin needs to “change” its ways to “not incite confrontation.”
“The first thing the U.S. needs to do is change its ways and reflect on itself, and not to smear and incite confrontation,” Mr. Wang told media reports.
He argued that the U.S. sent spy balloons without permission from China. Though the U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby argues that what China is alleging is outright a lie.
Kirby also alleges that similar balloons – maybe also from China – having been flying around allied airspace.
“We know that these PRC surveillance balloons have crossed over dozens of countries on multiple continents around the world, including some of our closest allies and partners,” he said.
Of course, China can’t be taken on their word. At their heart, they’ve become a communist nation that wants to see America become number two to them in every major category like economics and military strength.
But the Biden administration shouldn’t be assumed to be innocent of potentially sending spy balloons over China just because China is an untrustworthy source.
If Joe Biden did send spy balloons without permission over China, that would make him guilty of international crimes and domestic crimes for never addressing Congress on this matter.
On the other hand, Joe Biden may not even know what in the world is going on. It could very well be the incompetent Kamala Harris making decisions due to Joe Biden’s shaky mental health.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.