Biden is growing more unstable with every passing day. Even some of his allies are questioning whether he’s fit for a second term.
And now Joe Biden exploded with rage after being asked this one question.
Never before have more people questioned the competency of a president than they have with Joe Biden.
America has had some older leaders in Congress and the White House, but it becomes an issue when they can’t form coherent sentences.
Joe Biden’s constant gaffes and fumbling of even simple tasks on the world stage have caused concern across the nation.
And it’s throwing him into fits of rage like we’ve never seen before.
President Joe Biden reportedly voiced annoyance with how much the media is concentrating on his age, asking an ally, “You think I don’t know how f***ing old I am?”
The 80-year-old president, the oldest in U.S. history, made the irritated remarks earlier in 2022, Politico said.
A majority of Americans are “concerned” about Biden’s mental health, according to polls, and he has refused to undergo a mental acuity test, telling a reporter, “Why the hell would I take a test?”
He has also stated that questions about his age are “legitimate,” and has advised Americans to “watch” him.
“The only thing I can say to the American people: It’s a legitimate question to ask anyone. Watch me,” Biden said.
Neurosurgeon and former presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson told the Daily Caller that he had concerns about Biden’s mental state, saying episodes of fury are indicators of dementia.
“That’s so typical of people in early stages of decline, to become aggressive and very defensive about who they are. It tells you that they know a little bit about what’s going on. They don’t want you to know,” Carson said.
Biden has consistently declared he plans to run for a second presidential term, but has not officially announced his campaign. However, he has cast doubt on his intentions following the midterm elections, making the 2024 campaign appear more uncertain.
“My intention is that I run again, but I am a great respecter of fate, and this is ultimately a family decision. I think everybody wants me to run, but we’re going to have discussions about it, and I don’t feel any hurry one way or another to make that judgment today, tomorrow, whenever, no matter what my predecessor does,” Biden said the day after the 2022 midterm elections.
“My guess is it will be early next year we make that judgment,” he added.
On Nov. 30, an audience member yelled “four more years” at Biden, to which he replied, “Oh, I don’t know about that.”
According to geriatrics experts consulted by The New York Times, Biden has a lot going for him to keep his mind sharp despite his age. He has a family, is well educated, and has a stimulating work, all of which reduce the likelihood of dementia.
Carson, on the other hand, believes Biden is suffering from dementia because he looks to be unaware of his surroundings, disoriented, and lacks the ability to “screen” what he says.
“That’s so sad. I actually feel sorry for him, because it’s clear that he’s not in contact with what he wants to be able to say,” Carson said, while watching footage of Biden struggling with a sentence.
Carson demanded that Biden take a mental acuity exam, claiming that only a doctor with direct access to the president could properly assess his mental health.
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