Joe Biden fell ill when he heard what Ted Cruz just exposed about him

Joe Biden

The Biden team has made a huge mistake. They hoped Americans wouldn’t find out.

That’s why Joe Biden fell ill when he heard what Ted Cruz exposed about him.

Joe Biden just a few weeks ago announced that he would be running for President again in 2024, and he was met with crickets.

His abysmal approval ratings simply show that no one wants Joe Biden to run for President, and polls in Democrat circles even show that Joe Biden has support that’s on life support there.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) went on Fox News recently and discussed Joe Biden’s chances in the 2024 election.

Ted Cruz shared with Sean Hannity that he believes that Joe Biden is likely going to be the Democrat nominee, but there’s one thing that could happen that would prevent it.

Sean Hannity started out asking Cruz about what he thinks about the fact that Hillary Clinton even admitted that Joe Biden’s age is a “real” issue.

Cruz said that he believes the Democrats want Joe Biden to run because Trump seems to be the front-runner for the Republican party nomination so far.

“I now think he’s likely to be the Democrat nominee because I think the Democrats think Trump is going to be the Republican nominee,” Cruz said.

He said the Democrats believe that just hiding Joe Biden away during the election cycle will do the trick in being able to beat Trump because Biden has already beaten Trump once before.

“And I think the way Democrats think, they think if Trump’s the nominee, they can hide Biden in a basement for two years and just run on how much they hate Trump,” he added.

But then he exposed what could cause the plug to be pulled on Joe Biden’s re-election campaign on the part of the Democrat Party.

That would be if anyone else other than Trump ends up being the Republican nominee.

“I think that if, at any point in the coming months, Democrats suddenly think it’s going to be anybody but Trump, I think they’ll throw Joe to the curb and try to find someone younger because Joe, at this point, the guy can’t tie his shoes without assistance,” Cruz continued.

There’s no doubt that Donald Trump would be a tough match up for Joe Biden too.

But Ron DeSantis likely presents a larger threat for Joe Biden and the Democrats because Biden has never had to run against Trump before.

That’s not to say Biden would be Trump – if you were to ask us, Biden would likely lose to Trump the second time due to his garbage approval ratings.

It does make sense though that the Democrats would be more nervous about Biden running against a young, new up and comer like Ron DeSantis in 2024.

The Democrat party may feel obligated to pull the plug on Biden in that case because all the cards would be stacked up against Joe Biden.

Either way, it’s astonishing to believe that the Democrats are pushing for another Biden campaign. But at the end of the day, it’s likely because they have no one else that could win in 2024.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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