Joe Biden trashed Trump voters and waged war on them in a stunning speech

Joe Biden

The Democrat Party sold Joe Biden as a “moderate” during the 2020 election season. So far, he’s been anything but.

He continues to show his true colors. And Joe Biden did just that as he trashed Trump voters and waged war on them in a stunning speech.

Everyone knows that Joe Biden was sold as the “at-least-he-isn’t-Trump” alternative to President Trump in 2020.

The Democrats were hoping he could stick to a charming, soft-spoken demeanor during his tenure in the White House.

But instead we’ve gotten regular outbursts of rage from President Biden.

The latest comes from a speech he was giving in a high school in Maryland where he literally said he doesn’t respect “these MAGA Republicans.”

He also said there are “not many real Republicans anymore.”

Fox News reports:

‘There are not many real Republicans anymore,” Biden said, directing his attention towards Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican he said Democrats ‘can deal with.’

‘We disagree … but at least he’s within the mainstream of the Republican Party,’ Biden added of Hogan. ‘I respect conservative Republicans. I don’t respect these MAGA Republicans.’

As Fox points out, this denigration and disparaging of Trump supporters comes right after Biden said at a fundraiser that “extreme MAGA supporters” were like “semi-fascism.”

Of course, there’s always people that take things too far.

But there’s no way Biden knows what fascism truly is based on those comments.

Biden isn’t doing himself any favors as he tries to redeem his embarrassingly bad approval ratings.

Roll the clocks back to September 9, 2016, when Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters as a basket of “deplorables” who were all “racist” and “sexist.”

There’s a good argument that her “basket of deplorables” comment lost any sense of goodwill in the eyes of even her far-Left voting base. And some argue that her approval dropping from that comment led to Trump winning in 2016.

Joe Biden has found himself in a hole two years out from the 2024 elections, and comments like these aren’t going to make his situation any better.

In fact, we could see a repeat of Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” failure. Just like how Trump used her comments against her to connect with his voting base, Biden could very well just be fueling his opponent in 2024.

And if the nation keeps heading in the direction it is for the next two years, there’s almost no way Biden could legitimately beat a slice of toasted bread running against him.

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