President Biden treats the law like a suggestion. But that’s finally coming back to bite him.
And Joe Biden was just SUED for this disgusting crime.
Democrats and their media machine can’t stand when anyone contradicts their radical views and plans for the country.
At the end of the day, you either march in lockstep with the Left or they will shout you down and even physically attack you.
One of the most evident examples is the Left’s rabid obsession with abortion.
Back in May of 2022, the leaked Supreme Court decision reversing Roe v. Wade led to a massive uptick in attacks on pro-lifers and churches.
Rather than address these terrorist acts, the Biden administration turned a blind eye.
No conservatives are prepared to throw the book at them.
A coalition of conservative organizations is suing the Department of Justice to get information relating to an increase in pro-abortion attacks on churches and pro-life pregnancy facilities, as well as a lack of prosecution by the agency.
According to Catholic News Agency data, there have been over 100 attacks against churches and pro-life pregnancy facilities since the May 2022 breach. In nearly all of the attacks, the DOJ has failed to prosecute the culprits.
The Heritage Foundation and Advancing American Freedom have filed a lawsuit accusing the DOJ of neglecting to give them with documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act.
Any records and internal DOJ communication relating to offenses against pro-life pregnancy facilities and churches are among the papers sought.
The demands also include all correspondence between the DOJ and the Domestic Policy Council or the Executive Office of the President concerning these investigations.
The lawsuit accuses the DOJ of failing to “promptly review agency records for the purpose of locating and collecting those records,” as required by FOIA and DOJ regulations, and of neglecting to “conduct searches for responsive records.”
The lawsuit further claims that the coalition has “exhausted their administrative remedies” in attempting to obtain the documents. It also charges the Justice Department of improperly refusing their request for a waiver of FOIA request fees.
“[Attorney General] Merrick Garland and his top officials at DOJ clearly hold us in contempt,” Mike Howell, the director of the Oversight Project, said in a statement provided to CNA. Howell is one of the individuals suing the DOJ for access to these documents.
“They refuse to prosecute those who violently attack pro-life organizations simply for existing and who attempt to coerce and intimidate Supreme Court justices into ruling the way the mob desires,” Howell continued.
“Meanwhile, they send SWAT teams to the homes of pro-life Americans to arrest and prosecute them on trumped-up, phony charges.”
“It is clear that President Biden’s politicized Department of Justice is fearful of igniting the wrath of the far left and abortion extremists,” J. Marc Wheat, who serves as general counsel for Advancing American Freedom, said in a statement provided to CNA. The group is a member of the coalition challenging the Department of Justice.
“The American people have a right to know why those who burned and vandalized pregnancy centers have not been held accountable for their violence against traditional conservatives and pro-life groups,” Wheat added.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.