Kamala Harris humiliated herself with one moronic slip of the tongue

The vice president has been a national embarrassment. Even Biden wishes he could get rid of her.

And now Kamala Harris humiliated herself with one moronic slip of the tongue.

The White House should be used to Kamala Harris’ antics, yet no one seems to stop her.

Now Vice President Harris used social media to thank poll workers for their job during the presidential primaries and as the 2024 election approaches, but her kind words quickly backfired.

“Our democracy could not function without nonpartisan poll workers like Vasu and Rob whom I met in Georgia. President Biden and I thank you and we support you,” she said Tuesday on X, sharing a photo of her appearing to listen to Vasu Abhiraman.

Rather than thanking a “nonpartisan” poll worker, X’s Community Notes instantly tagged the tweet with additional context that readers “might want to know,” such as the fact that Abhiraman is a liberal advocate who favors the progressive agenda.

“The ‘nonpartisan poll worker’ on the left is Vasu Abhiraman, a staffer at the left-wing Alliance for Justice and formerly of ACLU Georgia,” reads a notice on Harris’ tweet.

Abhiraman’s biography on the Alliance for Justice (AFJ) website describes him as “the Helen Rosenthal Senior Counsel for the Building the Bench program at Alliance for Justice.”

“In this role, he serves as a dedicated advocate for diversity and inclusion in the federal and state judiciary, working collaboratively with a coalition of organizations to identify and recruit potential candidates for the bench,” the statement reads.

He is also recognized for teaching “thousands of poll workers and deputy registrars to safeguard the democratic process during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Several X users immediately noticed the new context.

One commenter called Harris’ tweet “like a major self-own” and “just sad.”

“Kamala… it is posts like this that destroy your credibility,” the person wrote. “If your staff cannot vet these properly before posting, you need to fire them. We will always fact-check and investigate all claims like this.”

“Vasu and Rob are non-partisan? Can you prove that?” another post was added.

One user commented, “Vasu Abhiraman (left) is quite partisan, actually.”

“I really appreciate community notes!” said another.

“Community Notes FTW [for the win],” was another user’s post.

On its website, the AFJ states that its aim is to “build the strength of progressive movements by training and educating nonprofit organizations on advocacy, harnessing their collective power to transform our state and federal courts.”

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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