Kamala Harris humiliated Joe Biden and now her job is on the line

The vice president has been nothing but a disappointment for Biden. Her cackling laugh and cringy speeches have been too much to bear.

And Kamala Harris humiliated Joe Biden and now her job is on the line.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Biden reelection campaign’s official abortion hype-woman, is traveling the country advocating for abortion while portraying pro-life Americans as “extremists.”

The White House announced Harris’ “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms Tour” in December, and she has since traveled to Wisconsin, California, and Georgia.

Her office announced a fourth stop in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on February 22.

“She is expected to discuss how organizers, advocates, and elected officials are addressing reproductive rights since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022 and criticize ‘extremists’ for calling on a national abortion ban,” CBS News reported.

Harris has hesitated to say whether or not she favors gestational limits on abortion and is financially supported by pro-abortion groups.

Furthermore, the far-Left element of the Democratic Party believes Joe Biden is not pro-abortion enough. That’s where Harris steps in.

“There are…work-arounds that can help minimize Biden’s abortion problem,” according to The Nation, a Left-wing news website.

Vice President Kamala Harris is increasingly being positioned as the White House’s spokesperson on the issue, which she discusses with more passion and conviction than Biden.

“But outsourcing such a prominent issue to the vice-president is itself fraught with symbolic dangers: the campaign risks signaling that they consider abortion to be a second-tier issue by assigning it to their second-tier principal,” according to The Guardian.

“And Harris is limited in what she can say by the somewhat narrow extent of the president’s comfort.”

Despite criticism, the Biden administration has arguably become the most pro-abortion administration in U.S. history by implementing its abortion-on-demand agenda through executive orders, rule-making and guidance from unelected government bureaucrats, and various legal challenges across the country and around the world.

Furthermore, killing the unborn is Biden’s day-one, number-one priority if reelected, according to his staff — a strategy designed to hammer Republicans while also appealing to a broad swath of women and young voters who have grown accustomed to 50 years of the “right” to abortion established by the now-defunct Roe v. Wade ruling.

The idea is intriguing, given that most polling indicates that the subject of abortion is not Americans’ top priority.

However, the concentrated focus is not surprising, given that one in every four Democrats is a single-issue voter on abortion, and the majority of independents identify as “pro-choice.”

The emphasis on abortion and portraying Republicans as hazardous to women appears to be an attempt to divert attention away from Americans’ primary worries under the Biden administration: the faltering economy and the virtually open border.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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