The White House press secretary only ever pushes the propaganda of Joe Biden. But she hates nothing more than to be called out.
And now Karine Jean-Pierre flipped out after being confronted with one coverup.
On Thursday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to answer whether First Lady Jill Biden is hiding her “work husband” Anthony Bernal from verbal s*xual harassment charges, saying only that she likes Bernal and considers him a “friend.”
Jean-Pierre defended Bernal, generally regarded as one of the most prominent White House staffers, after a New York Post writer questioned her about three sources who claimed Bernal routinely speculated on coworkers’ “sizes” in a #MeToo power play.
“I don’t know who your sources are so I can’t — just with all due respect — I can’t speak to that… I mean, they’re blind sources,” Jean-Pierre said during her regular briefing, before vouching for her colleague.
“What I can speak to is you saw a statement from our Chief of Staff Jeff Zients saying they are ‘unfounded.’ You saw a very strong statement from Anthony himself… and he said the same.”
Zients has dismissed charges as “unfounded” — without researching them.
According to sources, Bernal’s ambiguous designation as Jill’s senior adviser belies his internal influence, which may be greater than Zients’.
“I cannot speak to personnel investigations here or anything like that,” Jean-Pierre told reporters.
“That is not something I will ever speak to. And I’m not saying there is one — I’m just saying that I will never, I cannot speak to that and that’s not something that I can do.”
Jean-Pierre added, “I have known Anthony for some time now. I’ve known him for more than a decade. I’ve worked closely with him. And I consider him a friend, but also a colleague that I respect. And that’s basically what you also heard from Jeffrey Zients. I just don’t have anything else to share beyond your reporting.”
The New York Post’s reporter said, “I’ve got to press you on this, though, because the president said he would fire people for disrespecting colleagues, and there’s no investigation.”
“I just said to you that they have said themselves, Jeffrey Zients and also Anthony Bernal, that they are unfounded. I can’t speak to your sources, those are your sources to speak to,” she replied.
Why is the White House stonewalling questions about a potential predator working for them?
Is it possible that they are trying to cover for the man, because the Bidens love him so much?
It is. But it’s not likely.
A bigger reason is the fact that we are only seven months away from determining if Biden gets another term.
And the Democrats’ chosen strategy has been to frame Trump as a criminal hampered with legal cases who doesn’t deserve the presidency.
Could you imagine the scandal if it came out that Biden hushed complaints about a criminal in his White House?
No, they can’t afford that.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.