It’s clearer now than ever that Democrats have lost control of the ship. Many people think that the policies of the Biden Administration are at the root of most of the problems.
And Kristi Noem just sent the entire Democrat party spiraling with three words.
Every day, the terrible situation at our southern border gets even worse.
Many people think that Joe Biden just doesn’t know how bad things really are.
They keep telling him to go to the border and see for himself what’s going on.
But at least some people think that the border crisis is part of a bigger plan to change the U.S. in a big way.
South Dakota’s Republican Governor Kristi Noem recently went on Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends and said that President Joe Biden is “destroying our border” on purpose to “remake” the country.
Noem also said something that most Americans know: “It’s not a Governor’s job. The federal government is in charge of keeping our border safe.”
The popular Republican Governor made it clear that even though Governors of border states like Texas’s Republican Greg Abbott are doing what they can, the real responsibility lies with Vice President Joe Biden.
“Greg Abbott is doing what he needs to do down there, spending billions of dollars a year to secure the border because of the failure of the Biden Administration,” Noem said.
But, unlike some politicians, Noem was very clear about what she thinks is happening at the border.
“This isn’t unexpected. This isn’t something that they didn’t foresee happening. This is on purpose. This is on purpose that they are destroying our border because they want to remake this country into something that is not built on the trust that our Founders gave people themselves,” Noem added.
Noem was willing to go on record and say what most Americans already know, which is that Biden, Congressional Democrats, and the radical Left made up the crisis at the border.
They do this to cause more chaos and violence in the country, and they don’t care how many people die in the process.
In fact, all of this is part of the plan of radical socialists to get a national socialist government started.
Too many Republicans are just as guilty as Democrats, even if it’s not for the same reasons.
And it’s hard to find enough elected officials who are willing to step up and fight back.
As Noem said, “Listen, personal responsibility was something that our Founders wanted to give to the people of this country. They wanted them to be able to defend themselves, to make choices for their families, to be able to have liberty and freedom. They didn’t envision what Joe Biden wants for this country.”
And many Republicans say they will fight back, but only by making deals that help the Democrats reach their goals.
Often, they do this because they think it’s “the only way,” but that’s not a good reason for most of them.
Noem is right, the Founders never pictured a President and Congress whose main goal was to tear up the Constitution and destroy the republic.
Governor Noem continued, “The Biden administration is doing this on purpose. I think it’s time that the American people, whether you are Republican, Democrat, Independent or not even political that you, recognize that what this president is doing is trying to remake America.”
Few politicians are willing to call out Biden and the Left for the clear things they are doing to hurt the country.
Far too many politicians are afraid of what will happen if they call a communist what they are: a communist.
And they are way too scared to say that the clear goal is to change the country into a “socialist paradise.”
For these politicians, it would be “unseemly” to say that everything Biden and the Democrats do is part of a plan, which is the truth.
In fact, anyone who has read Lenin, Marx, Stalin, or other communist leaders and strategists knows that the crisis at the border is all part of the plan.
Stay tuned to DC Daily Journal.