The Obamas thought they would ride off into the sunset after leaving office. They were dead wrong.
And now this Michelle Obama hostage situation is making everyone sick to their stomach.
It doesn’t take a long review of the Barack Obama White House years to discover that he was extremely sympathetic to Muslims in the Middle East.
Obama and his fellow Democrats parade around the takedown of Osama Bin Laden as their crowning achievement for foreign policy and argue that clearly Obama must have been putting American interests first.
After all, what American didn’t want the man responsible (at least in part) for 9/11 to be put in a body bag for his crimes against humanity?
But the truth is more complicated than that. Just a little closer look at Barack Obama’s foreign policy as it pertained to the Middle East and you’ll discover that the Obama regime truly bent over backwards for radical Muslim regimes.
Just consider how he effectively gave Iran what they wanted with his 2015 Iran deal which lifted sanctions and effectively gave western nations like the U.S. and the U.K. no guarantee that Iran would put an end to their operations of trying to build a nuclear weapon.
In fact, in recent years, Iran has been bragging about how they have been breaking the rules of the laughable 2015 deal all along, with no consequences for their actions.
Another recent report indicates that the Obama administration specifically requested and pushed for the establishment of the Hamas embassy in Qatar.
Some suggest that the Obamas are truly just Muslim sympathizers at heart. And it’s not just Barack.
After the ruthless, unprovoked attack on Israel on October 7th, humanitarian activists all over the world were quick to condemn Hamas and their god-less actions.
Michelle Obama? Not so much.
Dozens of young women were kidnapped from Israel and are being held hostage by radical Muslim terrorists at this very moment.
Michelle Obama, who fashions herself as an advocate for young women all over the globe, has been eerily silent on this issue.
Yoni Levi, age 52, is the father of 19-year old Naama Levi who was kidnapped by radical Muslim terrorists and currently held hostage.
Levi recently shared with the media that he and his daughter once looked up to Michelle Obama and admired her for advocating for young women who face horrible atrocities.
“We talked about Michelle Obama often,” Yoni said referring to conversations he would have with his daughter.
“[Naama] believed her to be someone who not only cared about global women but also someone with a really good heart.”
Now he is singing a different tune after seeing Michelle Obama’s true colors.
“What I want to know: Why has she, and all these other famous women Naama looked up to, and all of the global human rights organizations she believed in, stayed silent about what has happened to my Naama and all the other girls who are still held hostage?
“It is like they have disappeared. Their silence shouts loudly,” Levi soberly shared.
Why has Michelle Obama hardly uttered a word on this horrible crime against the women of Israel who are still held hostage and being beaten senselessly by radical Muslim terrorists?
Could it be that Michelle Obama’s disdain for Israel and the Jewish people is rearing its ugly head?
We’ll leave that up to you to decide.
Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.