MSNBC reveals Biden’s frightening test results and the White House is melting down

Biden’s mental and physical capacity to govern has been in question for years. Now we have our answer.

And MSNBC revealed Biden’s frightening test results and the White House is melting down.

MSNBC issued a warning about new polls showing Republicans having huge advantages among voters on the economy and immigration, calling the findings “big warning signs” for the Democratic Party as it heads towards 2024.

Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough expressed surprise at the “unbelievable” poll results, noting that Republicans were “absolutely bashing” Democrats on similar issues with voters.

“In fact, Gallup had a poll a few days ago, where they reported the largest gap between Republicans and Democrats since they started taking these polls,” he said.

These surveys, according to MSNBC analyst and Way Too Early presenter Jonathan Lemire, should be “big warning signs” for the Democratic Party.

He cited a recent Marquette University poll, which found Donald Trump with a 23-24 point lead among respondents on inflation, the economy, and the border. Trump also led President Biden by 19 points in voter trust in the candidate’s ability to create jobs.

These are “huge, huge numbers,” according to Lemire. While Democrats had clear leads on climate change and abortion, he said that elections are generally decided by the economy. “These are big warning signs here,” he added.

Even swing state voters who loathed the former president “really disapprove” of the Biden administration’s handling of the economy, according to Lemire.

The White House, though, believes that narrative will alter in the coming year, he added.

Scarborough was unconvinced that White House rhetoric about “Bidenomics” could change the majority of people’s negative attitudes toward the economy.

“It’s not working. You can’t convince people the economy’s going great when they don’t feel like the economy’s going great, even though our economy is going a hell of a lot better than any other country’s,” he declared.

The White House branding, according to Lemire, “hasn’t worked” with voters.

Numbers aside, “voters are probably going to cast their ballots based on perception,” he predicted.

Biden’s decision to begin construction on a new border wall also demonstrates that Democrats are listening to voters’ concerns, he argued.

“It is a nod, that that’s a vulnerability too,” Lemire said. “Even with Trump, this is going to be very, very close, and they are warning signs for the White House.”

According to a Gallup poll issued this week, 53% of Americans believe Republicans do a better job of keeping the country prosperous, while 39% trust the Democratic Party.

When asked who they trusted to protect the country from international terrorism and military threats, the difference expanded even more. Republicans received 57% of the vote, while Democrats received 35%.

A Fox News national poll conducted in August indicated that twice as many Americans believed the Biden administration had harmed the economy.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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