Nancy Pelosi said the most reprehensible thing about Donald Trump

Nancy Pelosi

It’s looking like Nancy Pelosi’s days as Speaker of the House are numbered. But she’s going down kicking and screaming.

Because Nancy Pelosi just said the most reprehensible thing about Donald Trump that you will never believe.

The Democrats have been throwing a fit over Donald Trump beating their “darling” Hillary Clinton in 2016 for six years now.

The moment Trump took office, they tried to find ways to impeach him.

They even tried to ram articles of impeachment through Congress multiple times and failed every time.

Now, they’ve set up the laughable “January 6 Committee” to drum up the idea that Donald Trump and the Republicans were trying to destabilize America and take over all of Washington, D.C. forcefully.

Recently, that same committee subpoenaed Trump for documents surrounding the events on January 6 and the committee has called on Trump to testify before Congress.

Conveniently, the committee issues this subpoena, demanding the documents before November 4, right before the election.

They just want anything that can get their hands on to spin it and use it as fodder for election day.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also gave her two cents about the whole debacle, which of course, were unhinged.

Pelosi knows her time as the House Speaker is almost up as Republicans are poised to take back a strong control of the House, and so she decided to take a few low blows at Trump on her way out.

Appearing on MSNBC’s The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart, Pelosi said that Trump isn’t “man enough to show up” to testify before Congress.

“Do you think he will actually appear for the deposition?” Capehart asked. “What does it say to the American people if he does not?”

“I don’t think he is man enough to show up,” Pelosi responded.

“I don’t think his lawyers will want him to show up,” Pelosi continued, “because he has to testify under oath. But I don’t think he’ll show up. I don’t think he is man enough. We’ll see if he is man enough to show up. And the public should make their judgment. No one is above the law! If we believe that, then they should make a judgment about how he responds to that request.”

What the Democrats are trying to do is so obvious, it’s painful.

It’s a last-ditch effort to score political points in their corner by wacking Republicans over the head with their Jan. 6 propaganda.

Everyone knows the Republicans almost certainly have the U.S. House in the bag when Americans head to the ballot boxes this November.

As a result, the Jan. 6 committee will likely be disbanded by the GOP and then Trump wouldn’t even have to hand over anything and won’t have to appear before Congress.

Which would make all of this just a waste of time.

But leave it to the Democrats to waste time and taxpayer dollars on pointless political agendas, like trying to frame Donald Trump as some mastermind who tried illegally to take over the whole country on Jan. 6.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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