Obama’s connections to Hunter Biden revealed in stunning new emails

Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden’s corrupt business dealings run deep. Now even Obama may have been involved.

Because Obama’s connections to Hunter Biden have been revealed in stunning new emails.

Hunter Biden had ties to a number of Obama-Biden administration figures, but an email from the senior State Department official’s chief of staff shows just how close Hunter was to the highest levels of the administration.

In emails first obtained by Fox News, a top aide to then-Secretary of State John Kerry told some of his fellow State Department officials that Hunter and Hunter had a close friendship and that Hunter had requested Kerry to address his Georgetown University graduate students on March 18, 2014. This was just over six months ahead of when Hunter and his longtime business partner Devon Archer joined the board of directors at the Burisma energy company in Ukraine.

David Wade discussed the potential of Kerry visiting Hunter and his students at “HST,” the Harry S. Truman headquarters of the State Department, in an email to John R. Bass and Jonathan Finer from the fall of 2013.

Wade was Kerry’s staff chief at the time. Bass is currently the management-related undersecretary of state. Finer was a senior advisor to current secretary of state and former deputy national security adviser Antony Blinken at the time the email was sent.

“Just spoke with Hunter Biden, good friend of S, who teaches a class at Georgetown on advocacy,” Wade said. “He’d like S to speak to his class on 3/18. If S is here, he’ll for sure want to do this. Class would come here to HST.”

Based on numerous further email exchanges, we can confirm  that “S” stands for Secretary Kerry.

“Can we pencil this in, pls, pending S travel? (Hunter knows that with travel, plans could change.) It’ll be an hour somewhere in the 5-730 window, depending on what works best for S,” Wade explained.

The discovery of the email comes as Hunter is still being questioned by federal investigators about possible FARA violations during his father’s time as vice president and in the years after the Obama administration. Hunter engaged in numerous international commercial transactions throughout the Obama administration, and it’s likely that he’ll be questioned about whether he asked for concessions on behalf of foreign principals in conversations with government representatives.

To reduce the influence of foreign disinformation in the US, Congress passed the FARA. It mandates “certain agents of foreign principals who are engaged in political activities or other activities specified under the statute” to report their activities on a regular basis to the Justice Department. In relation to the work, they must also produce receipts and disbursements.

Several emails examined months later, in the days leading up to Kerry’s scheduled attendance, reveal Hunter, his office assistant, and Kerry assistants organizing the details of the class’s trip to the State Department.

Wade received an email from Kate Dodge, Rosemont Seneca’s office manager, on March 14 with the subject line, “I am checking in per Hunter’s request to see if everything is set for Tuesday’s class with Secretary Kerry.”

Afterwards, Dodge sent Hunter a personalized email in which she was informed by Kerry’s scheduler that there is “about a 70% chance that the Secretary will have to travel Monday or Tuesday (in spite of what David said)” but that they would “remain flexible” and that, in the event that Kerry couldn’t attend, “Wade will provide an interesting and knowledgeable person as backup.”

Kerry was able to participate in the class following his meeting at the White House, and there would be 14 graduate students in the session, according to communication Dodge received a day before the scheduled meeting. Kerry needed to attend an appointment at the Pentagon that evening, according to a separate message from a State Department official, but he could still spend 30 to 45 minutes in class.

Dodge and Hunter sent an email on March 17, 2014, and it contains a syllabus material that Hunter would be utilizing for the session with Kerry.

According to the school’s student newspaper, Hunter Biden assisted in instructing a class at Georgetown’s Master of Science in Foreign Service called “The Art of Advocacy: Inside and Outside of Government.”

The newspaper stated in October 2014 that Hunter Biden had instructed the course in the spring semesters of 2012 and 2013. In the 2014–2015 academic years, it was once more listed as a course option, but the university’s director of media relations informed the magazine that they would not have had the time to teach the course that year.

Hunter and Archer were communicating about Burisma in the weeks leading up to the lesson with Kerry and following the class.

In advance of Hunter’s journey to New York City the next day to meet with him, Archer informed Hunter on the day of the class that he would send a briefing on Burisma. It’s unclear if Kerry was aware of Hunter and Archer’s discussions concerning Burisma in March 2014 or in the days that followed the class.

Chris Heinz, Kerry’s stepson, was at the time a business associate of Hunter and Archer, although he reportedly broke relations with the company later that year. And a spokeswoman claimed that Mr. Heinz’s decision to discontinue his commercial links with Mr. Archer and Mr. Biden was significantly influenced by their positions on the Burisma board.

Over the following year after the pair joined the Burisma board, he continued to be cordial with them in emails.

The DC Daily Journal will keep you updated any any information on the Hunter Biden investigatoins that are ongoing.

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