President Biden betrayed the United States in this stunning move

Putting America first is a foreign concept for Joe Biden. This latest action shows he’ll never grasp that idea.

And President Biden betrayed the United States in this stunning move.

Ukraine has been a hot topic lately.

Legislators in Congress are arguing whether or not the U.S. should continue sending financial and military aid to the European country.

Democrats, specifically Joe Biden, feel strongly about supporting Ukraine by sending them billions in funding.

But now they’ve crossed yet another line.

According to CBS’ 60 Minutes program, America is buying “seeds and fertilizer for Ukrainian farmers and covering the salaries of Ukraine’s first responders – all 57,000 of them.”

This has caused massive criticism of the Biden regime, including from within the Democrat party.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a 2024 Democrat candidate for President, posted on X that the U.S. should “support farmers, small businesses, and first responders in our own country instead.”

The gross misuse of tax dollars to help fund a foreign nation in a war that America isn’t involved in, has grown tiresome for so many.

“Meanwhile, nearly 200 people will die of a fentanyl poisoning in the USA today. Almost all of it flows over our open southern border. Pure insanity,” Congressman Jim Banks (R-IN) posted on X.

Unfortunately, none of this should come as a surprise.

Joe Biden and the Democrats have pulled a stunt like this before.

Just a few months ago, it was reported that more taxpayer dollars were being sent to Ukraine as opposed to Maui after they were struck by devastating wildfires.

But that’s par for the course for Biden’s “America Last” agenda.

As for now, Americans can only watch as their hard earned money is being swiftly sent over to Ukraine.

Stay tuned to the DC Daily Journal.

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